meeting the elite assassins

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No ones POV

"Topaz mission complete I have assassinated our target Shihotani from team magma" I said using telepathy."Good job Ruby! I'm also finish here" said Topaz." Okey,I'm also finished here!" Said Sapphire."Mission complete girls,now let's blow this popsicle stand and head home guys!" Said emerald." Yah let's head back to the head quarters and check our next mission!!!" I said happily (using telepathy) ."okey let's head back to our plane" said topaz

Time skip~

"Were finally back!!!!" I shout at the entrance of our H.Q ."Lower your voice down May it is so loud" said Sapphire."okey Dawn" I said sadly."Oh come on may cheer up we just finish a job we should celebrate" said Leaf A.K.A Emerald."okey" I said."Quit yapping let's hurry up and go to the boss room she need to tell us something important" said Misty (topaz).We all shut our mouth because of Misty then we all walked until we arrived at the boss room.

"Excuse me boss we are here to report the result of our assassination and to accept our next mission" said Misty. Then the door opened and we all go inside the room.It was dark yet huge there was a big screen TV and the boss table at the middle . We sat at the four chair provided for us bringing an awkward silence . then the boss break the slicence by clearing her throat (I forgot to mention our boss A.K.A Cynthia the sinnoh league champion she in charge of an organization in the darkness with the mission of protecting the world from the dark) ."Girls I'm sending you to a new mission at the Unova region" she said seriously. " why there Cynthia and how long is the job gonna take?" Misty ask." Well for two reasons" Cynthia said."And what are does reasons ma'am?" Leaf and Dawn ask in unison." Yeah why there?" I asked too. " First is that we need the elite female group to be together again,so to make it short you'll be seeing your sister Reianna" said Cynthia " yeahey" said Dawn squealing "Yey" then me,leaf and misty said in unison." Hold it,I haven't told you the second purpose!" Cynthia shouted making us go to silent " The second purpose is to protect 5 boys from different kind of team that are interested at the" said Cynthia while handling out some folder consist of their identity likes or dislikes,power and etc. Then she opened the screen showing one of the targets face .He has orange tourmaline hair with onyx colored eye that shines so bright." He is Gary Oak grandchild of the Professor Oak. He is a 3 time champion and a future professor. Take note that he is a player and it seems he had dated over a hundred women." Said Cynthia . " He's just an arrogant brat who doesn't know the hardships in life!!" Leaf said furiously. And I know what she had been through."oh it seems like leaf has a crush on the player~" Dawn teased." Shut up" said leaf . Ignoring her comment Cynthia the said "Moving on," then the picture change into a guy with dark purple hair and eyes and he seems to be unfriendly. " tsk! What a brick expression is he even human" said Dawn "oh you like him Dawn,don't you~" said leaf for a come back from earlier "shut it,Anyways he is a 4 time champion,very intellectual and very strong both physical and mental" said Cynthia .The picture changed into a boy with a raven colored-haired matching his amber colored eye that shines like a star in the morning "this person ladies is a complete airhead,food lover and a super duper dense guy named Ash Ketchum" explained Cynthia " More like a potter head"said Misty and we all started to laugh except for Cynthia ."Anyways he is a 4 time champion and said to be the next pokemon master" then we stop laughing after hearing his description . "And finally is the school heart throb like Gary Oak but he is more conscious than him ,He us the 4 ribbon cup champion the pokemon top coordinator Drew Hayden " said Cynthia .I snap when I saw an emerald colored hair matching his shining light emerald eyes somehow I felt annoyed ."He's cocky and he looks like a jerk!!!" I said then both Dawn and Leaf said " Its seems like May finally found a boy that she is interested to for once" they said in unison with a teasing tone "Am not" I shot back at them "Are too~" they said .I was about to shout until Misty intervene and told us to shut up and then she said " Is that all Cynthia ? Who is the 5th one? " she asked and we three nooded looking for answers " Reianna will explained the 5th person, now go to your rooms and packed up your stuff we'll be leaving in about 4 hr. from now" She said."Yes,ma'am " we all replidled.

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