Trip to Unova!!!

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Misty's POV

"What should I wear?,what should I bring?, and what should I say at the introduction? Hey hey Misty answer me!!" Said the whining Dawn "Oh Dawn your as noisy as always about your outfit and looks " said Leaf "well you could just bring them all you know " said may while packing her stuff " Just choose whatever you like Dawn just make sure you don't over packed" I said to Dawn.

Time skip ~

The plane is here and Cynthia told us to get on it "I got dibs on this chair!" Said May loudly "I can't believe your a top assassin May despite your character hahaha!!!" Said leaf "yeah she is the same as Dawn" I said and turned to the folders that Cynthia gave me "Hey! What's that supposed to mean!!??" Said May and Dawn in unison ,after that leaf just laugh at them while I put on my earphones and listen to some music while reading the document " oh, boy this is going to be a long trip" I said before taking a nap and that is true because it will take us about 5 hr before we reach unova.

3hr. Later~

Leaf's POV

I'm so happy that for once in our life we will experience a normal life without any bloodshed or death Flag in our shoulders thus going to be so much fun except for the Gary guy Ugghhh he is so getting on my nerve especially the fact that he is a player I hate those kind of things ,but then again we will see Rieanna.I miss her so much its been 2 years since we saw each other.Oh and did I mention that all of us are siblings with different fathers?? I guess not huh.Well we 5 siblings come from a single mom and here name is Serenity said to be the bearer of the 5 hybrid children which is us.And in order for us to be born as a hybrid she needs different elemental powers for us to be born and it happened the first daughter of the family is Misty,I'm second ,May is third ,Dawn is fourth and Rieanna was our little sissy .Moving on after a while Cynthia entered the room and said that the plane is about to land within an hour so we need to get ready.

Dawn's POV

Finally we get to taste freedom from all of those assassinations and missions ,I get to have more time on Shoppings and Make ups .I'm so excited

Cynthia's POV

It's almost time 1 hr has 4:42 hr and min. Has passed and its time to wake up the girls. I look back at the girls and it seems their excited about their new mission because they finally get to taste a normal teenage life that I couldn't give them when they were young.

"Serenity hold on!" I said to my friend that is about to die because of giving birth to a hybrid "Don't worry I can do it" said Serenity breathing so heavily .*thiiit *their said the machine and Serenity's life has gone straight ,I cried and cried helplessly and promise myself to raise this children strong and independent
End of Flashback

That us why I trained them to be top assassins along with their pokemon

Misty Ocean Water lily Maple
Characteristic:strong,tomboyish,smart ,easy to get angry
Powers:water (summoner and caller)
Pokemon: Garyadose,psyduck,lapras,corsula,vaporeon and togekiss

Leafiana Lucynnia Green Maple
Characteristic:Very smart ,calm,cool and collected
Powers:Grass and Earth (summoner and caller)
Pokemon:leafeon,ivysour,tropius,megainium,shifttree and snivy (dragonknight)

Maylene Lorenette Lucianna Maple
Characteristic: Love's food ,smart,cheerfully (only with the people she know and trust),quick tempered and Oblivion
Powers: fire and physic (caller,summoner,elemental (when she's in demi-god mode) and healer)
Pokemon:Blaziken,Milotic,Arcanine,Charizard,Beautiful and Blatlstoise (Flare on and Ninetails)

Dawniena Marfelly Sicillia Maple
Characteristic:Girly,Cheerfully,Childish,Friendly,Drama Queen and smart
Powers: Ice and Wind (Caller)
Pokemon:Piplup,Gallade,Bunnery ,Pachurisu,Salamnce and swampert (Glaceon and Kirlia)

Rieanna Marcelline Ruppert Maple
Characteristic:smart ,kind,serious and timid
Powers:Physic(not as strong as may) and electric (summoner)
Pokémon:Sloking ,Electricike,umbreon,Nosepass,and Garchomp (masquaraine)

They all grew into wonderful maidens I guess its a good choice to let them enjoy their youth.

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