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Misty's POV

"Uggghh, are we there yet ?" I whinned ,the girls are about to say something but Cynthia entered the room and announced that "Okey girls we'll be landing soon so get your stuff!!" After that I stand up from my chair and get my stuff "Misty come here for a moment " said Cynthia then I walked inside her VIP room ."Misty as the eldest of them all I want you to look after them especially May and Dawn because they are still instable compared the three of you , keep intact with May's demi-god mode and Dawn's aura mode you got that?" Said Cynthia "yes,ma'am " I said then the plane landed all of us has head out of the plane and look at the school.

Dawn's POV

"Wow it's huge!!!!!" I said with excitement. I mean duhh the school is like a city with over 13 buildings for class and each building have 5 floor each,Not to mention the huge cafeteria that has the size of a mall, their are 5 gyms and 2 football field with 1 oval, and the dorms WTA (what the arceus) It's mega huge it is a full blown house than a dorm.I love it especially we are near at a huge mega mall with the latest fashion trends every week!!!. "Okey girls each of you will have 100,000 pokemon dollars and 50,000 for your house expenses like electricity,water,repairs and for marketing" said Cynthia "Yay a hundred bucks Score!!!!" I shout happily while the girls are also smiling. Imagine a hundred thousand a MONTH that's awesome so lucky I can sped my money on some clothes and make ups!!!!!!.

Leaf's POV

What!!!! A hundred bucks!!!! Where should I spend that much money!!! Its too much!!! It is obvious that Dawn is the only one that can spend that much. I look at Misty and May's expression and they're eyes are as large as a jigglypuffs eyes.

May's POV

Wow a hundred bucks!!! Where the hell should I spend them????!!! Uggghh this is so confusing!!!. " Okey girls you need to be acquainted form the boys first then meet Rieanna" said Cynthia before leaving. " Let's go!!!" I shouted with excitement then dash towards the principle office. " Hey May!!! That's cheating!!!" Called Dawn panting ." Faster slopokes !!!" I shot back at her."May slow down this instance!!" Misty yelled, then I stop running and bump into a girl with red-pink hair and brown eyes "Hey! Watch it bitch!!" She said when she fall down.Did she call me a bitch!! Oh your dead little Missy ready your tomb cause I'm going to get you!!! Gotta control your temper may I said in my mind then I said "sorry " at her shyley concealing my anger.

Dawn's POV

"Wow girl I can't believe you can control your temper~" I said teasingly to May "Shut up,next time I saw that bitch she's dead literally!!!!" May said with an angry expression. "Anyways let's go May" I said to her .While walking at a long red carpeted hallway we finally reach to principals office ,from what I know this school is composed of 5 elite principles, 3 champions and 2 famous professors.
Prof.Birch, Prof.Oak ,Champ. Lance ,and Champ.Steven. I don't know whose the fifth. "Hey guys whose the fifth principal??" I asked the girls." I don't know,you ask Dawn" Leaf said." Who cares" May said with her hand in her head."yeah i don't care who is the other principal" Misty said with her hand also in her head." Hmm. I guess just curious " I said to them.

Misty's POV

Were finally here I need to knock to door,'knock,knock,knock' said the door." Come in" said a deep manly voice.After hearing the permission I quickly opened the door and all of us four gasp on his large the principal office is, Inside was like a court room with 5 high chairs and table for the principals,with a huge flat screen TV and dark blue wallpaper it is so cool and awesome." Wow ,its huge" May exclaimed. "And who might you girls be?" Said by a guy at the left side of the court."Sir. We are the new transfer student courtesy of miss. Cynthia " I said to them and all of the four whisper bringing an awkward silent at us girls until someone spoke " Oh is that so , nice meeting you girls I'm professor Oak one of the principals of this school" he said while standing . gasp* all four of us said in surprise. OMG the Prof. Oak how lucky he's a true genius in his field . "And I am Steven a champion from Hoenn ,nice meeting you girls!" He said while presenting his face. Wish another world class champion how lucky!!!! I said into my mind."Here us your schedule for tomorrow girls" said a female with pink hair." Thank you umm..." May said while receiving our schedule paper."Solidad,Solidad Flora" she said .Then May' s eyes widen until I remember that she is the person who beat may in the grand festival once, luckily May wore dark coat,with black beautifly mask and blonde wig." May and Dawn she will be your teacher at the Contest appealing and battle class in short C.A.B.C class" said Steven.Dawn was happy while May is shocked.....wait I'm confuse what does she mean by tomorrow??? So thus mean we don't class for the rest of the day???? What the hell its only 9:47??!!!!. "Wait does this mean we don't have to attend to class for the rest of the day until tomorrow??!!!" I said confusingly. "Yes,that's right you all have the free time to explore the whole school and learn the rules and protocols" said a man on the right side of the principal post.

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