Chapter 4

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Misty's POV

"So we can explore the school as much as we want!!!??!!!" Asked Dawn happily."Yes" another voice said."Then,please excuse us" I said bowing and the others also bow before we leave the huge room.

Dawn's POV

Jackpot!!! We get to skip school and enjoy the tour !!!! But wait who will be our guide??!! "Hey Mist! Who will be our guide??" I asked her "I dunno let's just explore the place and search for Rieanna" she said ." Fine!" I shot her back.So technically we are not allowed to enjoy the place in the end we will just search for Reianna.I mean this school is so freaking huge its not gonna easy to search for her.

Reianna's POV

"Matt come back here!!!!" I yelled against the boy,"haha! Catch me if you can!!!" He shot at me ."uggghh ,
Matthew Alfred Zenon give me back my hat!!!" I yelled again while running fast.

Time skip~

Matt's POV

Man I like teasing this girl haha,"hey slowpoke come and catch me or else I'll throw your precious hat in this dirty pond" air shout at Reianna, well you could notice that I like her ever since she transfered in.

Ring* yawn* "Hi guys! Is there something new?" I said to my pals,Gary smirked and said that "Yo! Mat we have a new student and I heard that the person is a girl". " Oh yeah? I think she's a slut if you ask me" I said cause who would judge me after all , all the girls who transferred in our class are those who only transferred cauze of us. I hate those kind of females they are such a slut.

"Okey students pipe your mouth and sit down" Mr.Leo told us while entering the room and a girl was right next to him, and wow she's hot I mean beautiful.She had beautiful hazelnut hair and Hazel brown eyes , what a perfect combination to her white milk skin.She is so pale I wonder if this is the first time she got out for a long time .I mean her skin is like snow white and the seven dwarfs (haha sorry if your expecting that it is Snow white and the seven dwarf but this is all about pokemon and magic, so I'm sorry)

I was daydreaming about this girl until Mr. Leo make me snap with his voice saying that "okey milady please introduce yourself" he said to that gorgeous lad " Umm...Hello nice yo meet you all.. I'm Reianna Blitz

(I know blitz is dawn last name but in my story her surname is the girls cover)-author

please take care of me for the whole year" she said then bow .Gosh music to my ear ,she definitely not a slut that's for sure. " miss blitz please sit next to Mr. Sherion" Mr. Leo said to Reianna and I want to thanks sir. Leo cause I'm sheiron well its my surname afterall.

When Reianna is walking nearer I said hi to her and she responded with that cute alluring voice of her "hey I'm Reianna just call me Rei" she said and sat next to me.

End of Flashback

Misty's POV
"Gosh this school is freaking huge" I yelped .after all this school is truly huge."Guys did I just saw Rei running furiously " May asked and everyone was surprise even me. "Matt come back here!!!" Yelled by the furious running female. I gasp when I saw her and man that's Reianna getting her feathers ruffled again geez why can't this girl calm down she's an idiotic for peet sake.

May's POV

I was walking around with my sisters until I saw a hazelnut haired girl running furiously near at us probably chasing the guy that runs past us then I told the girls that she looks like Reianna and everyone gasp

"Hey! Reianna get your ass here and quick!" Misty shouted making her stop and confused ........a few no moments later she recognized us and come running toward us

"Yo! How is it going Reirei? Looks like your having fun" Leaf teased Reianna

after a minute later she started to burst her tears,crying like an idiot in front of us saying that she misses us ,who wouldn't its been three years since we last saw her

"So ....Rei who is the lucky hot guy earlier " Dawn teased making Rei's face flushed a cute pinkish color

"Aw so cute!!!" Dawn squealed loudly and making Reianna's face even darker

"He's no one ,he's just a friend that took my cap for arceus sake" Reianna recovers quickly

"Oh is that so little sis , don't worry we're getting to the bottom of this" Dawn said towards Reianna

"Okey guys let's leave that chitichitchat and start doing business " I said to them

" May your such a party pupper " said Dawn pouting

"Well that's true we better get to business ,and trust me I  freakin hate school!!!" Leaf said with an annoyed tone

"That's true but still let's try to have fun ,its only for three years and even if we're here Cynthia could still give us additional assignments " Misty said to us and we all shrugged hearing Cynthia's name

"Moving on , Rei who is the fifth jerk we're taking care of?" I ask her,then she blushed again making leaf and dawn squeals

"Sh-shut up!!" Reianna said making all of us laugh

"Come on Rei just tell us the details" Misty said while laughing

"Okey fine ,the fifth was Matthew Lucas Sheiron a pokemon star league champion 3 timer I guess and friends with the other 4" Reianna stated

"Oh so is he a flirt or a dense?" Dawn ask cheerfully

"Both!!" She exclaimed making us laugh even harder

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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