Chapter 1: Sheep Teaching A Lion

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He's a moron! No even worst he's an high school quarterback, enough said? I've been trying to teach him the basic quadratic formula for 40mins. So far no hope.

The morons name is Dodger Dickingson he's the second son of Dan And Sandra Dickingson. Younger brother to Dean Dickingson. Older brother of Dillan and Daisy Dickingson. King of the jungle type family. White picket fence-brunette-white-privilege-beautiful-church every Sunday. Nothing really bad about them only if you don't consider the fact that they control, and buy their way through life. I hated him!

I looked at my phone 1 missed call from Aidan,3 messages. Him reminding me to get tomorrow night off again. Big party, first social event out together!

I text him okay and shut off the phone. I'm not one to get distracted by technology. Plus Mr.Miller is offering 25 extra-credit for every imbecile I tutor. And 20 points every improved grade. So far I have a A- in his class. Crushing my perfect 4.5 GPA. I look up and see the moron erasing and mumbling to himself. Looking down on his worksheet. Who am I kidding? This tool would never get it!

That's what happen when you never work for anything in life! Everything he has was given to him as a gift. His car, spot on the football team, grades, thick black hair and his, barbie doll-plastic-fake blond-cheerleader girlfriend. He never worked for anything.

It hit him like a truck when Mr.Miller became our year round teacher. Not grading him off of his football scores but actual grades. That's what happen when you are raised in a silver palace, taught with a silver hand, graded with a silver pen, feed by a silver spoon with a silver nanny. I'm a sheep teaching a lion, how ironic.

"I got it ..." He shouts in excitement " X is 4 and y is 46" he said looking at me for the confirmation. Oh shit on the other hand I have my work cut out for me. Please lord guild this boys mind. I said before correcting him.

After another 35 mins of tortured the moron finally gets it.

"So x is 6 and y is 4, and the plot goes here?" He asked

"Yeah! You got it" damn I was good.

"Wow you're good at this, you must have a GPA if like 100?" And the moron returns!

"No I just study way too much"

I said finally looking around the cafe. It is about two hours after school and we are in one of the connecting buildings to our school . I realize that everyone left and we are the only ones here. The cooking ladies already started to clean up and get ready to close. Even though most students stay after school to study and practice sports. I turn my head to see the cashier taking out trash leaving the door open to the cafe.

Picking up his books he begins to stand and grab his backpack.

"Tomorrow right?"he asks

"Yeah, 7:20 in the morning."

"Okay. Let me take you home, and out for some lunch, I'm starving!" He offers. Using his perfect white smile as leverage. I don't even consider. I don't like him and I don't want him to think I do. And I don't want to be seen with him. I don't want Adrian and his friends telling him they see me with their idiot friend.

I look up from gathering my things to reply but he's on his phone. How rude.

"What the... Aye you gotta see this" he says passing his phone over.

"No thanks, I don't need to see another photo of you girlfriend in a bikini. My eyes and the world needs a break." Throwing the rudeness back.

"What? No look I think the meteor shower NASA advertised last week had some details we were not informed about."

"What?" I said snatching the phone from him.

Updated 5 mins ago. China under attack, North Korea not taking the blame considering they were bombed as well. Is America to blame again? All of the country's technology went out before the attack. Could new super technology be to blame or Meteor... Than his phone went out. The whole screen went black. I look up at his face.

As fear creeped around me. The same time the phone went out the lights in the cafe did. Like the exact same time.

"What's happening?" He asked. Stupid question #1. How possibly could I know the answer to that.

"I Don't know. Here take your phone. Let me check mine." I search my bag nervously scattering books and paper. Unable to fully see. I find my phone and try to turn it on. It's fried.

I turn around to face him. His thick black eyebrows is pushed high and creating wrinkles in his perfect face.

"What the hell is..."

Than an ear throbbing loud noise ripped the silence. Like a massive droid was going off. Or exploding. That moment every hair on my body stood on end. The fear I felt a while ago multiple by 1000. My heart stopped.

Than the noise stopped only to be followed by a massive black hole that swallowed us up. The whole cafe went black like someone parked a car on top.

Moron protectively grabs my arm. Before I could pull back the cashier came running full speed into the cafe.

He look sweaty like he been running. And out of breath. I know him his name was Steve he graduated a few year before.

"Steve what's happening out there?" Moron asks before I could manage any words out.

"Get back, move back, get against the wall." He screams

We obey and he quickly follows behind. His eyes is wild and crazy with fear. His eyes were red as if he's been crying. The touches both of us with shaky fingers. His hands scraped and blood.

"Dude what the hell is..."

"Shhhhhhhhhh" he says looking at us and keeping still. "Or they will hear us"

"Who are..." I start

"SHHHH. They just bombed us. They bombed California."

"WHO" I said getting angry.

"The aliens."

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