theres this guy.
he texted me through Instagram.
i thought he was just another one of those guys who was just texting for nudes or something.
boy, was i wrong.
we talked.
he asked for my snapchat.
then i thought "yep. hes just going to ask for nudes there."
i was wrong about that too.
we texted on snapchat. we still text on there.
we somehow got on the topic about depression and sadness, pain.
he told me that he had severe depression and anxiety. that he was in so much pain.
i asked him why he was so sad
he told me he was madly in love with his girlfriend, and that she cheated on him.
he told me that he did anything and everything to keep her happy. that he gave her his whole heart. He told me that she just took that and stomped on it.
i told him that he wasnt alone. i told him about him. how i fell in love with Him. How i trusted him, and my so called best friend. i told him how she tricked me into letting him go. i told him how she made me believe that i wasnt worth his love and attention. i told him how she made me believe that he was gonna hurt me, and how id be better off without him. i told him i let him go.
i told him how i will never be happy again. i told him that i dont smile anymore, i dont do the things i used to do, all i do is stay in my bed, how i hate everything. how i gave up.
but then he said something that i thought i would never hear.
" life sucks. its shit. i know. i was in so much pain when she cheated on me. I just stopped caring. I to;d myself that id never fall in love again. how id never care about anyone. but i like you."
i asked him why he liked me. i told him there was nothing to like about me. i told him i was dangerous and that he didnt wanna get involved with me. I told him i was a hurricane.
"because i think youre cute. youre not nice, or sweet. you speak the truth and you just dont give a fuck. I like that. You're easy to talk to, you have nice boobs. you understand.. what its like to be broken.."
i told him i was too broken. that he shouldnt mess with me or my problems.
"we're both broken. lets just tune everyone out. try to fix each other. or we can just fuck and fuck and fuck until no one else matters. until its only us in our little world."
i told him i liked that idea.
broken boy meets broken girl i guess.