Chapter 7

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Author's Rant: Hey guys, I hope you'll really enjoy this chapter cuz it's the best one in this book so far. A little lengthy but full of action and twists. Hope you'll vote, comment and share! I had so much fun while writing this! <3

"Kirstin, we need to leave," I told her.

She was flipping through the rack of prom dresses. "Wow, look at that. I love the side cut outs, they'll look amazing on an hourglass body like mine. Hey, you could get that two piece ball gown, it's cheap, just eighty dollars."

I kept my eye glued to the window under the awning, on the hooded figure. "We are being followed, Kirstin. Let's get into your car."

"But –,"

"Look across the street," I glanced at her, "There's a creepy psychopath with a cloak and mask."

Kirstin squinted, "There's no one, Anna."

The figure was gone.

"Are you sure the sunlight and shadows weren't playing tricks on you? Or did it look like it was following us only? Like, did it look like a cross over of Donald Trump and Regina George? Cuz that would give us Veronica butherface."

"Maybe that guy entered the shop?"

"Maybe we should buy these already and get snacks somewhere cuz my stomach wants a burger."

We paid for the clothes and heaved the shopping bags on the backseat of her car. My mind was still wandering over that hooded figure in mask; it felt like someone had scooped ice cream down my back. We drove to a shop called The Crispy Bun and bought two burgers before checking out the record shop next to it. There were old and latest music albums, and I found Kirstin shifting Selena Gomez's Revival album to the $14 stack.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

"I totes love this album, so let's increase the value," she whispered almost inaudibly, "Now we need to get the shit out of here."

I giggled. After what had happened in the past few days, I was really starting to have an amusing time.

"Okay, so the last thing to do today is to get a little drink. C'mon, it's weekend, we must have a gas."

"Err, Kirstin, doesn't that sound a little too 70's?"

"I really hope it comes back," she made puppy dog eyes.

"And anyways we're underage for drinking."

"You don't know me yet, baby."

She drove us to the secluded part of the town, quite nearby the Megahuman Headquarters and I was quite flummoxed at how Kirstin just found it a bare space where the skyscraper stood. You don't need to be so bewildered, I told myself, Dustin had already elucidated you.

I knew the sleazy bar Kirstin drove us into, aware of the surroundings. It wasn't the type of place I personally would like to go into but they sold quality wine at really cheap prices. Kirstin adroitly stopped the car in front of a parking meter before looking up at me and shooting a smile. "So, we'll just go in and come out. No staying, it isn't much safe here." I nodded, but for a second I thought my heartbeat was in denial.

"But how are we going to get in?" I asked her as we got out.

"Just come with me," she said.

"But don't they have security guards or something?"

"Hell yeah they do. And his name is Calvin. He dropped out of our school three years ago."

We sauntered to the entrance which was already crammed with drunken men and skimpily dressed women. An African American guy stood there in security guard's clothes, talking to another guy about his tattoos. "Hey, whadup Kirstin?" he asked as soon as we approached him.

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