Chapter 11

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"So I heard you don't have a date," It was Veronica, "I just wanted to let you know Ethan Parker and I are going together."

"I don't care," I told her, shoving my belongings into my locker and shutting its door with a bang.

"Like who doesn't want to have the queen bee as a date?" she was more talking to herself now.

"Smart people," I answered for her, rolling my eyes, "And Ethan Parker is another asshole."

"Thank you," she told me, holding up her phone and replaying the recorder where I had said Ethan was an asshole. "I bet he won't ask you out after hearing this though. Poor girl."

What the actual fuck?

"You're such a phony," I spat at her, "I'll have someone busting your ass someday."

"Ooooh, that burn," she cooed sarcastically, "Look who's talking. Five feet two inch with braces and chubby thighs whom no one wants. Thank you for showing some courage, wuss. You're not done for what you did to us at Starbucks."

"If you're done with that sewer mouth of yours blabbering shits at Anastasia, could you excuse us please?"

'Dustin?" I swiveled around, surprised he was here.

"And who you might be?" Veronica growled at him, her hands on her hips, a gesture she did when she wanted to attract someone, her cleavage bulging out of her top.

"Err – is this your corny cousin you talked about?" Dustin asked me instead of replying to her and I nodded. "I asked a teacher there where you might be and she told me your classes were over. I needed to give you your appointment letter."

"Excuse me, but I think I was talking to you."

"You got the job," Dustin told me, his smile infectious, lighting up the room, "It's time for shits, Anna. You're gonna do the coolest job anyone ever had done." I chuckled at how Dustin was totally ignoring Veronica in front of her.

"That's amazing," I gaped at him, playing his game, "I – I never thought I'd get the job."

"Bet Mr. Green likes outspoken, courageous bitches. See ya later pretty face," he winked at me before walking off, utterly avoiding Veronica's fuming presence there.

Wait, did he call me a –

I blushed.

"So you got a new boyfriend, cousin," Veronica had a sly face, "Let's see how Aunt Lucy will feel about it. He's hot though."

"Mom will be happy," I snarled at her.

"I hope so," she winked at me before finally strolling off, leaving I to wonder what she was gonna tell Mom.


"Nice to see you again, Miss Hathaway," Mr. Green told me as soon as I entered his office. "I hope you won't ruin my expectations for you."

"Thank you, sir," I curtsied politely.

"Call me Kevin," he spoke, "I expect you to abide by the three rules here. Number one, don't ever be late, I don't tolerate latecomers. Number two, if I want to have you somewhere, even on the weekends or midnight, you have to be present there. On time. Number three, don't break the aforementioned rules. We'll be paying you fourteen dollars per hour, which is pretty neat. Welcome to the Green Bros, Anastasia, if you work, you'll be paid, if you want to be paid, all you need to do is work."

I nodded in understanding.

"Now go to the front desk. Miss Yolanda from the Luxury Hotels is supposed to be present here. Make sure you lead her to my room."

"Okay, sir," I told him and strolled off, wiping the sweat off my forehead.

Kevin's POV:

I see her walk off with a polite gesture of her head, and wiping away her sweat. She probably doesn't know we know a little more than she did, we know who she is and why she is here. I chuckle as soon as she leaves the room, promising to destroy the Megahumans by using their own member, without her knowledge. They don't know who I am.

Anastasia' POV:

I knew I had to act smart here, and be aware of my surroundings, that's why I decided to stick a small recorder under Kevin's desk, which would allow me to hear all the conversations in his room. I heard him laughing to himself with the earpiece fastened to my ears. My work wasn't much hard, I just had to help random people around the office and accept phone calls before redirecting them to the PAs. Nothing suspicious had been caught by me yet and Dustin called me to grab some confidential files labeled X in the storeroom and photocopy them. I did as he told. While I was about to leave the storeroom after fifteen minutes from the end of my shift, I came face to face with Kevin.

"Anastasia didn't expect you here. Thought your shift was over?"

"Uh, I just needed to grab some files for Joseph." Joseph was Kevin's brother's PA.

"Okay, good you were here," he extended his hands, clutching at the photocopied papers, his hands brushing against my chest. I cringed for a moment, feeling that the gesture was meant to be. Was he trying to flirt with me?

"These are the confidential papers, right?"

I felt my heart in my mouth.

"I know why Joseph might need this. Don't worry; I'll pass these on to him. By the way, are you free tonight at 10? I have a meeting but my PA Gemma is having her sister give birth so I allowed her leave, but I need someone to take notes for me."

"Umm, yeah um, I'll be there."

"Pretty. I'll text you the venue."

"Um, sir? I don't think you should worry over passing these on to Joseph. I could do it myself."

"I must say, Anastasia, you're proving to be of good service but your shifts are over and plus these are highly secretive files of the company."


"You came here immediately after school so go home and get dressed into something flashy. You'll be needed in an hour," he waved me off.

I didn't protest because I already had the screenshots of the confidential papers. I texted them to Dustin, elucidating about my situation.


The hotel was grandiosely designed and I felt uneasy as I tagged along Kevin in my black sequin dress. I just wore black eyeliner because Kevin had texted me to 'look good'. It was weird how he was treating me on my first day, did it indicate something suspicious?

The meeting was undeniably boring, I had to take notes of many business terms I didn't care to know the meaning of. It was lengthy and boring, and by the time it was finished, I wasn't surprised it had already been midnight and I was going to miss my training. I was about to bid Kevin bye, but then he suddenly grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him.

"How about a drink?' he asked me in a low voice.

"Sir," I tried to pull away, 'My Mom will get worried and I'm under age."

"Ssshhh," he said, his finger on my lips, and rubbed away the nude lipstick, "You look good without that."

Author's Rant: So Kevin knows about Dustin's and Anastasia's plan. What's going to happen?

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