Chapter 9

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Veronica and her minions ignored me for the rest of the day so I went about my everyday business, and tried not to fret about the constant glares I encountered. At the end of the day I realized almost everyone had a date for prom except me, but I sort of didn't care as long as I wasn't bugged by Eta Omicron Tau Sigma. I had a student to tutor for English and I checked her assignment while sitting at McDonald's, munching on a burger and rambling about onomatopoeias to her. When we were done, there was a sudden hurricane warning on the TV and I realized to my consternation that Sean was at the carnival with his friends. I tried his phone but he didn't pick up, so I tried Mom and she enlightened me she was at the lab, and told me not to get out of McDonald's. Upon telling her about Sean, she said she was calling the police.

Still biting my nails out of anticipation, I decided to storm out in the last minute and find out where Sean was.

"What are you doing, Anastasia? Are you mad? You will die out there!" It was my student, Rachel.

"But my brother's out there with no idea what's about to happen. I have to get to him!"

"Ma'am, please don't step outside, we are shutting down the restaurant. You'll be safe inside!" It was the manager, who'd heard our conversation. There was an odd buzz of agitation enveloping the room, an aura of ennui persisting in the atmosphere. I called Sean again and again but there was no response, so I made up my mind and stomped out of the restaurant paying no heed to the cautionary manager.

Speedy breeze was blowing outside; the palm trees had been almost bent to their outmost capacity. The opposing force of the rough and roaring blizzard would have been harsh if I didn't have my powers, but I rushed through the whirlwind using my jacket as a shield. Sure I was still a mortal and I could die out here but I ran towards the carnival. It was afternoon, but dark, mackerel clouds were already hovering over my head, grumbling like an enraged monster and piercing drops of rain started falling on the ground like coins. The wind was howling like a band of wolves, my hair whipping across my face with such violence that I was nearly blinded. When I like ten feet away from the carnival, the window of a building broke and the shards of glass hit me like bullet without leaving a scratch, thanks to my diamond skin.

When I reached the carnival I realized that it was already empty, I called Mom and found out the police had already whisked him to safety. I didn't tell her I was outside.

The hurricane was rising to its peak the moment I decided to take a run for the Megahuman headquarters which was pretty nearby because of the petite vicinity of our town. I could feel the battering rain stick to my skin like superglue and chilling me to the bones. I could hear the waves from the sea roaring up on the promenade and destroying all the stores that sold tourist foods. The waves were supposed to rise as much as five meters high, and for the first time in my life I experienced what felt like having a hurricane in a seaside town in front of my very eyes. I could feel my ear drums throbbing with pain from the noise. As soon as I took a peek at the pier that stood in front of the alley leading to the headquarters, I saw what I knew was a giant Goddamned mother of all waves, shrieking at the top of its lungs, hurling itself with all its might on the concrete pier and it crashed. There was a huge "concrete breaking noise" that caught my ears, and for a moment I thought I heard a man's voice, crying for help. The pier was almost broken, sliding off slightly, about to fall to the sea. My eyes widened from horror as I noticed a man with a dog holding on to the railings of the pier, which was about to fall off.

My instance was to run and save the man but I realized I couldn't do it alone. And that is when I heard screams behind me.

"What are you waiting for? Let's accomplish the Greater Good," it was Ian and he was smiling.

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