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"Robin!" Batman yelled. Robing looked up, blood on his face, almost dying. "What's wrong?" He whispered, he clearly was in pain. Batman ran towards Robin, hís Robin.
"Robin," he whispered, holding him close. He knew Robin was dying in his arms, so he had to tell him. Robin had the right to know what really was on Batman's mind.
"I'm Batman."
Robin coughed, and he spat put some blood. "No time for jokes, Batman." He whispered. He spat out some more blood and closed his eyes, but kept breathing.
"Robin, I'm Batman. And I love you." He whispered in Robin's ear. He held Robin close and hugged him.
"I love you." He said out loud. He felt how the last little bit of life left Robin's body, he felt his last breath on his skin.
"I love you, Robin!" He screamed out, in anger. But it was over. Robin, his Robin was dead.

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