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Imagine a world, where there are no problems.
No war, no break- ups
No fights, no mean words.
No racism, no murders.
Just one clump of dirt and happiness, love and faith.
Everyone would help each other. No one has to worry about money, because there is no money. There is faith, in that you only take what you need and don't ruin it for others.

Now, wouldn't that be boring?

If everyone is accepted, no matter what they look like or act like, people won't feel the need to express themselves in art and fashion as much as they do now. People won't stand up for their believes and rights.
Everyone being loved equally, no matter what, means no- one has the chance to feel special.

There might be war.
There might be hate.
There might be racism.
There might be mean words.
But there's also love,
And I don't know about you,
But for me,
I'll never, ever, loose hope

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