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  • Dedicated to My AMAZING writer best friend, Linda

Celina Fareheart was what everyone considered as "the freak" or "the quiet girl," but she was so much more than that. She was a beautiful, but broken girl who had a secret. It was a secret that only her family knew about. A secret that only her best friend knew about. It was a secret that could end everything. Celina is a werewolf. 

Unfortunately for her, her parents didn't enroll her into an all werewolf school. They were scared to live with the pack that she would soon have to end up becoming a part of. Her parents aren't wolves. See, Celina was bitten on a dreadful night - the night of Hallow's Eve.


The night of Hallow's Eve

She was going for her usual late night stroll that night and she ended up on the wrong side of town. That was the part where the werewolves lived in secret. Celina tried to retrace her steps that night, but she couldn't find out where the end of the road was, oddly enough.

That night, Celina had to muster up some bravery and knock on someone's door. Tragically, Celina didn't have a clue about the mystery of this side of town. She didn't know werewolves existed. She only thought they existed in books and movies. 

Celina stepped back as the door creaked open and a young boy about her age stood by the frame. His tousled black hair and silvery moon-like eyes gave him a mysterious, yet unbelievably beautiful look. He smirked as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside. 

She gasped slightly and tried to leave, knowing it was hopeless. The mysterious boy pushed her onto the sofa and gave her a glare as if challenging her to move. She gulped and just smiled nervously. The boy nodded his head in a slight acception and called for someone by the name of "Ryder."

"Ryder" stomped down the double grand staircase and growled ferociously at the other boy. Celina cleared her throat slightly, managing to get both boys' attention.

"E-excuse me... Who are you?" She asked, referring to the boy who opened the door for her.

"My name is Tyson Blake. This," he said, pointing to Ryder, "is my elder brother Ryder Blake."

"Look... I only came here for directions to get out. Could you direct me back to the other side of town? Erm, please?" She asked.

Tyson looked at Ryder and nudged his nose against Ryder's shoulder. Ryder stepped toward Celina and bared his shiny and sharp white teeth at her. Celina's eyes grew wide and she got up and ran towards the door. Ryder was faster than her unfortunately. He grabbed her arm and before she could do anything, he sunk his teeth deep into her skin. 


Hi everyone! I normally don't write stories, but my best friend literally got me hooked on doing it! I decided to start posting, so here you go! Please tell me what you think. Yes, this is a werewolf story and don't let the title fool you! It might not be those three words; I love you. Ooooh, no. It will most likely be something else! SPOILER ALERT. Lol. 

On the side is what I pictured Celina's outfit would be for the school day :)

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