Chapter 2

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Hi! I really, really love how my 'book' is coming out. I love that I can update so frequently. Perks of being homeschooled. :)

Anyways.... Read on :))



"Ryder, let's go!" Tyson snapped. "We're going to be late. You know how grandfather gets when we're late!"

Ryder walked halfway down the stairs and leaned against the railing. He brought a cigarette up to his mouth, breathed in some smoke, and then puffed it out in little O shapes. He looked at Tyson, utterly annoyed. Tyson groaned as he watched his brother stand there, not doing anything except smoke.

"Come on, Ryder! Please?" Tyson begged. "He'll have our asses tonight, so let's go!"

Ryder aimed his cigarette at Tyson and flicked it. It landed on Tyson's shoulder, making him scream as he dusted it off and stomped on it. Ryder let out a chuckle and started to go back upstairs.

"If you want to go so bad, then go. I'm staying home." Ryder said.

"But we made a commitment to be there!" Tyson shouted.

"No," Ryder said darkly. "You made a commitment to be there. I did no such thing. Go by yourself or face the consequences of either being late or not showing up."

Tyson sighed and slowly turned away, walking towards the door. He gulped as he heard the clock strike midnight before he stepped out. He was supposed to have been at the rising of the red moon festival before midnight. He was soon to be dead.



The cool night breeze hit Celina like a sweet dream. She sniffed the crisp autumn air and swayed back and forth slowly on the swings. Peering up at the sky, she noticed the moon was red. Her brows furrowed in confusion. The longer she looked, the more she felt a strong pull.

She slowly rose from the swing and walked straight, still staring at the moon. She seemed to be in a hypnotic trance. When she reached the center of the park, she could finally tear her eyes away from the moon. The center of the park, at the fountain, was filled with wolves. They were everywhere.

"What in the world is this?" She mumbled to herself.

"It's a festival for the red moon rising tonight. Tonight is vampire night." Someone whispered roughly in her ear.

Celina jumped back in fright and turned around. She sighed, a little relieved to see only Tyson. "What's vampire night?"

"It's when vampires are allowed to run around freely and suck endless amounts of human blood without us stopping them." Tyson explained.

"But, why are we having a festival for this night then?" She asked.

"It's not exactly a festival. It's more of a werewolf get together. You see, we're all part of a pack. My grandfather's best friend's eldest son is the alpha. I'm his beta. Ryder is supposed to be alpha soon, but the pack elders won't allow it unless he's found his mate. Once he finds his mate, he'll become alpha, I'll remain beta, and his mate will be luna." He answered.

"Oh. So this is a pack gathering? I should go. I-I'm not a part of this pack." She stammered, backing away.

Tyson steps closer and smirks, baring his sharp teeth at her. "How about you join us then, Celina?"

"Join you? I wouldn't join you if you were the last pack on earth. You're the reason I'm like this. You're the reason everyone thinks I'm a freak. You and Ryder are the last fucking people I want to be in a pack with. For my own sake, I'm going to leave." She spat, storming away as her mood quickly changed to annoyance.


Celina walked inside her house, carefully closing the door. She tried to sneak upstairs until the lamp in the living room flicked on and her father cleared his throat. She turned on her immediately and walked over to him. She smiled nervously and let out a light chuckle.

"Where the fuck have you been? It's 2 in the morning, Celina." He said groggily and roughly.

"I was out at the park." She said. She wasn't lying. She just wasn't going into detail.

"You left to go to the park 5 hours ago." He replied. "Now, I won't ask you again, where were you?"

Celina groaned internally. "I was at a werewolf gathering. The boy whose brother bit me wanted me to join their pack. I said no. That's it."

Her father sighed. He always seemed annoyed and tired whenever she mentioned something about werewolves. He hated them. He was even slowly starting to hate his daughter - his only child. Celina's mother was different than her father. She still cared, though she was frightened. It wasn't that she hated Celina, just that she became slowly scared of her.

Her parents were on the edge of their marriage. She assumed that they were going to get a divorce soon and she was too happy. She hated her father just as much as he was starting to hate her, maybe even more.

Celina turned away and headed upstairs after her father turned off the light and shifted on the couch. She could hear his loud snoring even when she got to her room at the end of the hallway. She closed her door, locked it, and sat down against it. She sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

What if I did join the pack? And what if I could go to an all werewolf school? I could say my parents died in a wreck if they ask, so I can live with the werewolves peacefully. Celina thought.

She smiled slightly before drifting away into a deep sleep.





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