Chapter 3

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So, so sorry for the late update. It's harder than it seems to be updating daily when you're homeschooled.

Celina's "runaway" outfit for this chaper is the right. :)

I hope you guys enjoy this and I'm sorry, but it'll be a little short. Stay with me, okay? I'm trying my best to update as much as I can! I looooooove you all so very, very much. 


Celina packed up her things quietly and threw her suitcases outside her window. She got a backpack and a filled it with her phone, phone charger, a blanket, and some snacks. She climbed out of her window and grabbed her suitcases and started towards the other side of town.

She walked straight and looked back at the house only once. She rehearsed the scenario in front of the mirror millions of times, but on her way to the other side of town she ran into none other than, Tyson. She groaned and pushed him out of her way, ignoring his commands to stop. Tyson harshly grabbed Celina's wrist and turned her around to face him, slamming her against the concrete wall that separated the two sides of town.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, ignoring me like that?" He growled angrily.

"I'm not in the mood for your little games, Ty, let me go." Celina sighed.

"Why do you have all of this stuff?" He asked, referring to her suitcases.

"I'm leaving home." She stated bluntly.

"Why?" He asked, raising any eyebrow.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it or me." She said.

"Celina." He said with a dark voice. "Tell me why you're leaving home."

Celina sighed and broke free of his loosening grip. She set her suitcases down and sat on top of one, patting the other one next to her for him to sit down. Tyson hesitantly sat down and turned to face her. He looked into her eyes as she began to talk.

"I'm leaving home basically because of you and your brother. At first, I was considered 'normal' and I actually had friends in school. Now, for some fucking weird reason, people avoid me like I'm the plaque, or worse, they bully me physically and mentally. I can't even understand why. It's like they sense something is different about me, you know?

"I'm all alone and it's just.. I want to be with people who are like me. I want to be somewhere I belong, so I'm leaving home. My parents don't want to me to an all werewolf school because they're worried about living in a pack filled with... Savages. My mother made it clear to me that she didn't see me as her daughter anymore, but merely as a girl who wore her daughter's skin, face, clothes, and everything.

"My father hates me completely. I don't care much for him, though. Long story-short, I'm leaving because I want to join a pack - your pack to be exact."

Amusement danced in Tyson's eyes and he let out a hearty laugh. His stomach swirled in pain the more he laughed and he bent over and cradled his stomach. Celina growled and pushed him off her suitcase and grabbed all of her things. She stood there, staring at him for a minute as his laughter finally died down.

"It's not funny. I was an outsider, Tyson. I am an outsider. And if you can't understand that, then fuck you and your bullshit pack. I'll find another, better one." Celina snapped, walking away.

Tyson regained control of his body and he could finally stand. He ran after Celina and grabbed her wrist, pushing her against the wall again. He placed his hands on each side of her and trapped. A devilish smirk formed upon his lips, showing his sharp, white teeth.

"Look, Celina," he said darkly, "of course I understand and of course I'd like you to be a part of our pack. Hell, you can even move in with Ryder, my grandfather, and me. It's just.. I know the feeling of being an outsider and that's something we have in common. I mean -"

"Get to the fucking point, Tyson." Celina demanded.

"The point is," Tyson said sharply with an annoyed sigh, "come back to my house with me and I'll talk to my grandfather for you. He can't say "no" since we need more people."

"Fine." She replied, defeated.


Sorry it's so short! I'll make the next chapter longer, I promise! How was this one? Was it okay?

Thank you for those who are still sticking with me, if there is anybody.. I love you - all of you. Please support me by becoming of a fan of mine, voting for this, adding it to your library for update notices, sharing my story (stories), and commenting your thoughts. Please don't post rude thoughts.. Thank you, lovelies. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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