Four Times the Threat

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After finally getting back and defeating a few Ghouls in their way, Seriina woke up feeling refreshed and looked up seeing everyone gathered around after hearing a voice in which Seriina could care less about, she walked out following them after hooking her Duel Disk to her arm.

"Uh-oh..." Kenzan grumbled.

"It's Pompadour and his three buddies."

"What's with the get-up anyway?" Seriina asked with a strange face.

"I'll tell you. They have become the ultimate duelists. A fusion of human and duel spirit." Marcel explained and Seriina gnawed on her lip

"Wait! Your last duel was too intense. So just sit this one out. Besides, you need to save all your strength for Marcel. He's the head honcho." Johan told Judai, Seriina snapped out of her thoughts.

"What are you suggesting, Johan?" Judai asked him.

"I'll take them."

"All four?!"

"Nah, I'll join, seems like a good Duel just waiting to be won." Seriina said winking Johan's way. "Besides, can't let ya hog all the fun." She quickly put her brunett hair in the usual bird's tail with some difficulty.

"Hey, count me and Shirley in, too."

"And don't forget about yours truly. Count me in as well."

"Looks like ya got yourself a team, Anderson-kun!" Seriina let out a wide grin.

Johan smiled and they climbed over the statues and went to their opponents, he walked to stand in front of a costume-dressed dummy with a mask that had a blank expression.

Seriina walked over to hers, seeing a mask that had tears running down his face and he looked like a crybaby.

Jim took the next guy; he was wearing a weird outfit since the mask rose above his head by about 2 feet. But the mask looked mad.

Austin stood across from a guy who was giggling insanely. What a weirdo...

As they all activated their Duel Disks, Johan spoke; "Let's go!"

"Should be an interesting Duel!"

"Groovy mask mate."

"You're going down!"

"Bring it on!" shouted the four duelists in front of the masks.

"Prepare to lose!" The masks reply.

Seriina: 4000; Sad Mask: 4000

"I'll go first," the big crybaby whimpered. "I summon Unhappy Girl in attack mode." (400 ATK; 300 DEF) A girl with red hair in a light blue dress appeared. She was holding a basket of wilted roses.

Seriina stared at the thing curiously. "She doesn't look so tough, mate."

"Her special effects make up for it," The sad guy said. "I'll also play 2 face downs. Your move."

"Alright then, I draw!" Seriina said drawing a card and looked at it and added. "I play Twilight Evolution Magician's Valkyria in attack mode!" (1600 ATK; 1800 DEF)

"Who the heck is this stiff?" She asked Seriina.

"Someone they got into a fight with, apparently." Seriina shrugged. "I don't really care honestly; anyway, let's take care of Unhappy Girl."

"You got it!" She nodded and got ready to attack.

"Attack her with Mystic Scepter Blast!" Valkyria's wand lit up and blasted the Unhappy Girl but, she just flinched and wasn't destroyed. Nor did Sad Masks LP drop at all. "What the-"

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