Walk Away

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As Johan walked off to talk to Austin as she stared at the school. The screams of the students still echoing inside her numb mind, Seriina heard everyone as her mind raced to find itself and to control her nerves.

Seriina then felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped slightly as she turned around, seeing Jim looking very worried.

"You okay, Vanille...?"

"Yeah, just- trying to gather my thoughts after the screams I just heard."

The fear in her eyes still showed as she stared at the front of the school. He grabbed her into a small hug, trying to help her cope with the situation.

Seriina then was able to recognize her surroundings and started focusing again on what was most important. And that was finding Judai and Marcel. Seriina smiled at him as he let her go, she walked over with Jim as Johan turned to her with the biggest smile she had seen for quite some time.

"We think we just found a way to get back home!"

"Seriously? How?"

"This way, we'll show ya." Austin told her, nodding she followed them.

Not too far away from the school and saw something off in the distance. Seriina said not a word as she followed Austin to the power generator. And amazingly, it was working! Daichi was in front as she entered the gates. The guy that was trying to contact them looked very familiar.

"Are you there? Hello? Come in."

"So what do you make of it, Daichi?" Austin asked.

Daichi looked back at him, answering him. "What do I make of it? It's my old mentor, Doctor Eisenstein! Is that really you?"

"Doctor...Eisenstein..." Seriina began thinking and put her finger to her chin and then remembered. "Oh...him..."

"It is Daichi. And now that you can see and hear me, you must... ... ..."

All Seriina heard was static and Masha began freaking out and slammed himself into Kenzan's face and he fell to the ground.

"Gah, sorry about that Kenzan, Masha really hates static..." Seriina apologized.

"No worries, private."

Seriina smiled and held Masha close to her as Daichi said. "We need more power!"

"But the generator's broke." Johan reminded him.

Seriina interrupted and smiled. "Not for long, if we can access it, I can fix it quickly."

"I can help you, Seriina." Daichi offered and she nodded. "We just have to pry these doors open."

He quickly ran over trying to pry the doors open, Seriina quickly ran over as Masha hid behind her trying to pry them off herself, but nothing worked. It budged but that was about it, before she could finish she saw something fly by her and hit the door next to Daichi.

"Move!" Austin demanded and they began pulling, Daichi went to help and Shirley and Seriina both dug up the doors. Before they could burst open, Seriina moved and the doors quickly flew off the hedges.

Seriina quickly went in there and began working with them with Daichi's help. Handing the cord to him, she took her fist and slammed it against the fuse box and it started up. Daichi plugged in the cord and Seriina grinned, giving them a thumbs up.

"Daichi, we're working on a way to get you home!"

"Thank goodness for that, Professor. Things were beginning to look a little bleak to say the least. Where are we?"

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