A Darkened Dream

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Softly-spun candyfloss
drapes upon lavender branches
and leaves you at loss
for what to say at such beauty

A slight and stirring breeze
dances about like ballet dancers
and my hair it does tease
pulling it this way and that

The sky is a watercolour blue
and the clouds are pure cotton
Unbelievable but true
like something from a child's drawing

Curious fruits hang from trees
and there is occasional humming
from busy bees
While bird-like creatures sing

Soft swaying grass reach my knees
And up ahead, at the end of a path
I spy the glistening sea
a sea that's of icing blue

Honey, caramel and hazelnut:
scents are layered like tissue paper
A wonderful sense of serenity but-
what perfect moments last forever?

There's a sudden crash of thunder
that should've woke me from my slumber
but this fiery storm-in-dream
Continues to hiss and steam

A crash of angry reds and blues,
then sorrowful birds in multitudes
lightning pierces a once calm sky
sunlight swallowed by a fearsome cry

Dark clouds a- brewing up above
a miserable world, lacking love
like milk that has been boiled
the fairy paradise, has been spoilt

Fear erupts from underground chasms
there's undeniable danger in those caverns
some darkness that threatens to spill
And overrun the rolling hills

They were beautiful once upon
but that beauty is all but gone,
those sweet, rich-scented flowers
-all Darknes sees, Darkness devours

Where did it go so wrong?
Like a thousand mistakes in a beautiful song
the tranquil dream has been destroyed
by some unknown beast- perhaps annoyed

Although furious, livid, raging mad
better describes something so bad
oh I long to be out of this that is
so far-removed from my previous bliss

As if answering to my call
My alarm comes alive and rings
I'm yanked out of the furious dream
and with it, great relief it brings

I am finally free
Back to my own room
free from my darkened dream
or a nightmare, it does seem

This poem is written for @CiennaBA competition "Games of Poetry." Do check it out!

Written on 25th Saturday June 2016

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