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Adam's POV-

As I strolled into work on a friday morning, the sun shining on my back as the doors closed behind me, a sense of joy and wonder entered me. I felt refreshed and happy and ready for whatever the world has to offer on today, the finest of days. Em handed me my schedule and John and Michael were messing around with an electric skateboard with Jake. I found Tim at his station, once again, eating raw broccoli.

"Tiiiim. Tim...! What have I told you about the broccoli dude? Seriously you gotta stop!" I say in a sarcastic, jokey tone. Tim appears startled to see me and blushes slightly when I jokingly tussle his hair. I turn to walk away when I feel Tim's hand pass over mine momentarily before he sighs and returns to his computer.

The day drifted by as normal after that. Michael done a couple skits in his hotdog costume and John done something's with a monkey video. It was all laughs. When the clock hit around 5.30pm people began to file out, letting me know of their leaving for the day. First John and Michael. Then Corey. Then Tristan. Then Jake. I sat in my office sorting through some files when I pulled off my cap and rubbed my hair, leaning back in my chair and yawning. Time to go.

Switching off the computer, I stretched and walked out of the office, turning off the light and closing the door. Upon walking through the office I noticed more people had left. Tim, James, Em. I reached the door when I realised I'd forgotten my hat. Quickly I jogged back to my office when I saw the door was half open and the light was switched on.

Without hesitation I walked in to find my chair turned away from me mostly, Tim seated on it, clasping my hat. He was smelling it. I held my breath when I saw Tim's dick, he was sitting in my chair, holding my hat and jerking off. I felt myself grow slightly hard upon seeing this but pushed it away and cleared my throat. Tim froze and the jerking ceased.

"Tim..?" I say quietly.

"Adam..." Tim breaths. He turns on my chair, covering his dick with my hat. I turn red from embarrassment and awkwardness before I speak.

"Uh..." I scratch the back of my head. "So... Tim-" he cut me off, standing and revealing his naked member once more, my hat being placed on my desk.

"Shhh..." he placed a finger to my mouth, his body coming extremely close to mine. Fear courses through my veins and I freeze in place, the man's musky scent overtaking me. Slowly, Tim slides his hand from my lip to my beard, momentarily rubbing it before sliding down to my neck, then my shoulder. His fingers were barely brushing my skin at first but as he traced down my arm his hand slowly covered more of what surface area before he reached my hand.

Our eyes were locked and I was pure red, Tim was just staring at me with expectation. My breathing was staggered due to fear and Tim noticed, his hand covering mine and pulling it towards him. My eyes slowly looked down, following his, my hand getting warmer as he pulled my hand ever so closer to his dick. My breathing ceased when my hand touched him.

Tim breathed hard over my face, sending shivers throughout me. I felt him wrap my hand around his member, each vein more prominent then the last. Tim began slowly moving my hand up and down his cock, moaning softly as he squeezed my hand. I felt myself begin to take control, moving my hand faster and harder on my own. Tim smiled and looked up at me, his sudden head movement attracting my attention. Once again our eyes locked and Tim smiled, slowly leaning forward as our lips barely touched.

Tim's POV-

At first our lips brushed, the dryness of Adams's lips colliding with my wet lips foreign and strange. I felt our mouths open and long for eachother, leaning forward a bit more and pushing our lips together promptly. Adam pulled back slightly, his hand movements slowing. He looked at me properly, his eyes moving from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes before he pushed his head forward and smacking our lips together.

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