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I'm walking through the woods when I see an outhouse.  There's a clearing up ahead.  When I walk up right beside the outhouse, I see two crummy cabins and in the distance is a dock over a lake.  Something about this peaceful looking place unnerves me.  All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice behind me.  I turn around to see none other than Chris McLean.  His usual smirk taunting me.  "Welcome campers, to Camp Wawanakwa!" he exclaims.  How did I get back here?  Someone's hands cover my eyes and I hear another familiar voice.  "Guess who?"  Their hands uncover my eyes and I see Courtney in a neon green, short, showy cocktail dress.  What on earth?  All of a sudden, Courtney's form morphs into someone else's from my troubled past...Celine Dion!

     I wake with a start.  In my sleep I seem to have broken out in a sweat.  I shiver at the thought of being at that wretched place, Wawanakwa. I look around and see that I fell asleep on the couch, watching that horrible show.

Are you still watching Total Drama?

Lazily, I sit up and check the time on my phone. 6:57. Shit! I'm gonna be late for work! I race around the apartment to get ready. I throw a few hot pockets into the microwave for breakfast. After getting dressed, some darker denim jeans, my work polo, and classic red converse, I grab my bags filled with tools, phone, keys, and finally retrieve my hot pockets. One glance at my watch and it's 7:13. Ready in sixteen minutes. Phew. Now to get down to the shop before my shift at 8:00. I run out the door, hot pockets in hand, and down the stairs. I don't have time for the elevator! Once I'm driving on the freeway, I take a bite of the hot pocket.

"Damnit!" I yell. I forgot how hot those things were. Damnit, now my mouth is burnt and I'm hungry.

     Eventually, I park outside Speedy Car Repairs in the employee lot.  By then, I was finally able to finish those damn hot pockets without burning my mouth more than I already had.  I manage to clock in at 7:59 sharp.  I made it before my shift, thankfully. 

     "Eh, Duncan.  Get your ass over here and get this oil change done, would ya?" shouts Mitchel, one of my work buds.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll come." I walk over to a red Chevy and begin the oil change. Oblivious to the fact that I'm humming as I work on the Chevy, I catch Mitch giving me a weird look.

"Why're you humming for, eh?" asks Mitch. "You have another one of your hookups at that bar?"

"Nah, I haven't been to Ed's Coolerz in awhile," I sigh. Occasionally after work I would go over to Ed's Coolerz for a drink and sometimes I'd have a one night stand. Lately though I've been ashamed of doing that sort of thing.

"Then what is up with you, Duncan?" Mitch laughs and wipes some of the car grease off his hands. "I haven't seen you like this since I watched that show you were on!"

"Well, Mitch, that's just the thing..." He raises his eyebrows, ready for an explanation. I let out a heavy sigh. "I ran into one of my costars yesterday..."

"Well, this definitely sparks some interest." He leans against the car I'm still working on. "Could this costar possibly be a certain chick?"


"Hmm. Okay, now could she be a certain pale chick?" Mitch inquires.

"Who? Gwen?!" Man, he must not have payed very close attention to All Stars...

     "Oh.  My.  God.  It's the tan, bossy chick, isn't it?!" Mitch whistled.  "Man, you've got yourself in some deep shit here.  Anyways, you ask her out?"

     "Unfortunately, I have yet to ask Court out..." I sigh before muttering, "Hopefully though when I do, she'll say yes..."

     "Oh, Duncan.  You're completely lovesick.  Hang in there, bro."  Mitch gives me a pat on the back and saunters off to get some of his own work done and I finish up the oil change for the Chevy.   Throughout the rest of the day at work, all I do while fixing up cars, is think about Courtney.  Her warm, mocha skin.  Those gorgeous dark, brown eyes.  The gracefulness of her strides as her hips sway back and forth.  The way her nose wrinkles whenever she's being stubborn, which, lucky for me, is a lot of the time.  Don't even get me started on that luscious ass of hers...

     After fixing up a few cars, it's finally time for me to clock out and head home.  I say goodbye to Mitch and Randy and drive back to my apartment.  It's around seven o'clock and I notice a certain someone's Honda.  I've gone all day on just those two hot pockets and man am I starving.  Maybe the Princess will be willing to grab some dinner with me...  I start the long trek up those four flights of stairs.  Just as I reach the fourth floor, I bump into someone coming out of the elevator. 

     "Hey, watch where y-" It's Courtney.  I've bumped into Courtney.  "Oh, Duncan..."

     "Hey, Princess.  You just get off of work too?" I ask.  I can't help but smirk a little.

     "Yes, I did.  What's it to you?" she challenges.  God, do I love it when she's feisty like that.

     "I was only wondering if you were as hungry as I am..." I say, waggling my eyebrows. 

     "Well, I haven't eaten since noon..."

     "Wanna grab a bite to eat then?" I ask before she has a chance to say anything else.  I really hope she agrees to it.  Her facial expression softens a little.  I can tell that she's thinking about what to do.  Come on, Court!

     "Well..." she lets out a heavy sigh.  "I am really hungry.  Long day at work..."

     "I know how that is," I let out a nervous laugh.  "Want to go to Panera?"

     "Sure.  I honestly love Panera." Courtney says with a nervous laugh.  We're both nervously laughing.  Hopefully that's a good thing...  Before we get back into the elevator she turns and looks at me.  "Duncan, this isn't a date, okay?"

     "Okay, but it's still my treat, Princess," I say.  She nods and we take the elevator back down to the first floor.  It isn't a date yet...


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