Ben Bruce; Sometimes It Ends

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Another late night. Another night of regret. Another night without Ben. Finally, after waiting for hours, he crawls into bed next to me and wraps his arms around me. I shrug him off. He tries his luck again by pressing his lips against my neck.

"Ben, stop." I grumble as I shuffle away.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I sit up, astonished at how oblivious he is.

"Are you kidding me?!" I yell and clamber out of bed as Ben sits up, clearly not catching on.

"What?" He says softly in an attempt to calm me down. I've had enough.

"Ben! You go out nearly every night and don't get back until like 4am! I never see you anymore; I'm starting to get the feeling you don't even care about this relationship!"

I explode, letting everything out and I can see the fear in his eyes. He hurriedly gets out of bed.

"Believe me, I care! I really do!" He's just making things more difficult.

"Ben...I don't think I can do this anymore." I almost whisper, a stray tear rolling down my cheek. Ben rushes around to face me.

"No, no, no, please no. We can make this work! I'll go out less, I'll drink less; whatever. I'll do it. Please, don't leave me." He pleads desperately, brushing away the tears that have started falling.

"It's not enough. I'm sorry." I mumble, pushing him away and moving over to the wardrobe and grab a bag, flinging my clothes inside. Ben sits on the edge of the bed and flusters, looking for something to say. I zip up my bag as he throws a little black box on the ground at my feet. I stare down at it as Ben fumbles with his hands.

"I was going to propose, y'know. But what kind of marriage would that be. If yo-"

"Ben, please," I interject, cutting him off. "You're making this harder than it has to be." I say, wiping away my few final tears. He just sits in silence. I reach down and hand him the little black box.

"I'll see myself out. Goodbye, Benjamin."

"Goodbye, Y/N."

A/N: Thought I'd publish this shorter imagine I wrote a while back; just while I'm working on some longer ones. It's my summer holidays in a week so I'll try and update more frequently. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! X

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