Chapter 1: A whirwind of confusion

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Authors note: I was inspired by a story called Basorexic  by @hartville. Seriously one of the best rucas fanfictions I've ever read. Also, This is my first rucas fanfic so I hope you enjoy :). 

*Flashback to Summer '18*
"Be the hero I know you are"
"Thank you Riley"
  *Lucas goes off to ride tombstone the bull and successfully stays on for over 3 seconds. He exits the area and goes back into the tent filled with exhilaration and Riley follows"
" See I knew you could do it. I'm so proud of you Lucas"
"Thank you for believing in me Riley. I would never be able to do this without your support."
"I'll always believe in you that's what friends do right?"
Lucas gave her a strong grin but something about the way he eyed her was different. It was almost distinctively surreal. Lucas friar was falling head first for Riley Matthews.
"Um...yea exactly"
*they hug each other*
"Well we better get going and find everyone to celebrate"
And than without thinking as Riley turned in the direction of the exit Lucas grabs her arm forcefully spins her around and crashes his lips into hers.
Morning of First day of school:
Riley P.O.V
I started tossing and turning in my sleep as the sunlight made its way through my room. It was Monday morning the first day of my life as a Junior at Abigail Adams High School. I couldn't believe how fast life had been going. I can't fathom
the summer and everything that occurred. I started going over the many events in my head. I went on a Matthews + Hart family trip upstate to see Uncle Shawn. Than the next week Texas with all my friends and things happened. Things I never expected to occur. I was so confused and my mind was lost in thought. Lucas kissed me? Lucas friar? I mean it was so out of nowhere and I think I liked it. But I just don't understand why now?
I walked down stairs greeted by my lovely family and my best friend Maya. No matter what happens in life as long as I have them by my side I will flourish in the world just fine.
"Hey Riles"
"Peaches", I respond immediately curling into a big grin and plopping into the seat next to her. I never told her about the kiss because I couldn't find the right time. But now was better than never. "Bay window bay window right now", I exclaim as I link her arm with mine and we run to the safe place we know and love.
" this seems important what's on your mind?"
" okay so remember Texas?"
"Yea how could I forget ranger rick actually survived riding a bull who saw that coming?"
" um well after he did that I congratulated him and I go to turn around to go find you and everyone else and he spins me around and kisses me"
" oh my god", she looks so astonished because Lucas is never one to do anything when feelings are involved.
" yes I know I thought the same thing but also with a hint of confusion"
" why are you confused?"
" it was so out of nowhere"
" honestly that's probably the best move he's ever made on you... actually the only real move he has made on you in general."
" I didn't dislike it"
"Okay than what's the problem here Riley?"
" I don't know I just I don't want this to change my friendship with him it's much to valuable to me."
" it was one kiss sweetie I think you need to stop being so dramatic"
" okay I'm the least dramatic person to ever exist", Maya chuckles as those words left my mouth
"whatever you say", I rolled my eyes in annoyance at her sarcastic remark.
"we should probably be heading off to school now."
"  okay let's go honey."
Farkle P.O.V
"Belgium 1831"
"Geez Farkle why the disinterest?"
" you know that something is going to happen that will automatically change the possible chance of learning about something I value so deeply so why even bother."
" yea okay"
Mr Matthews immediately erases the date from the board.

Riley P.O.V
My dad and Farkle were chattering about Belgium 1831 and I could only focus on one thing. Lucas friar and the kiss. I still can't believe he did it. He hadn't shown any sort of attraction to me since middle school. When we kissed on the subway on our first date. And than that same week everyone kept pressuring us to be a couple and we just weren't ready to be one as of then. " Are we even ready now?" I worry to myself. I did grow a lot since then and I know he did too. It was despicable how much I was fighting the idea of falling for him all over . The first time it was a crush but this time it was angsty confusion. I looked over and saw out of the corner of my eye Lucas staring not so subtly. I mouthed to him " we need to talk" and he noisily  avoided the subject and looked away. He didn't acknowledge me for the rest of the class.
*After class*
"Umm Lucas we need to talk"
" I know I have some explaining to do. We could go to Topanga's after school? " , he said questionably unaware of my current state of mind over the situation.
" it's a date... But not really just like you know what I mean" , he quietly  chuckled at that statement
" yea aha ..see you later"
Real smooth Riley REAL SMOOTH.
A/N: Anyone get the TV show I referenced in the flashback? My otp ship had that kinda kiss so I had to. Okay so hopefully I can update weekly but I'll just see how it goes. Please leave honest feedback thank you for reading. 💕

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