Introduction to my practice.

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Merry meet, I am Asher. I am thirteen years of age and Wicca has been my religion for over two-three years, however I've been observing the religion for much longer. I identify myself a Tameran Wicca.  A Tameran Wiccan is someone who incorporates Egyptian deity into their craft. However there are many different kinds and branches of Wicca. 

Wicca is a new-age Pagan religion founded by Gerald Gardner in the 1950s, Wicca is not a ancient or old religion. However it does have very fuzzy connections to traditional Witchcraft. Wicca is usually a duotheistic or polytheistic spiritual systems which believes in both male and female divine aspects. There are multiple gods and goddesses that Wiccans follow from many different pantheons. However, most commonly you will find depictions of "Pan" and "Cernunnos" also known as "The horned god" Or the "Great Horned God" as the male aspect, and Diana or Artemis as the "Mother Goddesses" or "Moon Goddess". I thought to bring this up because we commonly see these divine figures a lot in Wicca, however these aren't the only deities you can worship. I myself associate very little with those deities and mainly focus on Egyptian deities, I'll write more on my deities in the next chapter. Wiccans focus on the five elements, Earth, water, fire, air and Spirit. These elements are often represented by the pentacle or "Pentagram". Do not be deceived, this is not a satanic symbol. It never was, the meaning of it was twisted by other religions. Some say that the pentacle pointing down is evil, but facing upright is good. This is also not true, a downright facing pentacle represents sending energy downwards. Wicca is not a satanic practice.

Wiccans are often portrayed as practicing Witchcraft, while yes some Wiccans including myself do in fact practice witchcraft; not all do. Witchcraft is the creation of energy and calling upon the divine and elements to ask of a certain deed, sending this energy out into the universe in hopes that it will fulfilled. This is called "Casting a spell". However, it isn't anything similar to the silly hocus pocus you see on television or in media. Wiccan spells only require intention, people may use tools to help strengthen the energy and outcome.

In Wicca, we follow the phases of the moon, and celebrate Sabbats and esbats. There are 8 Sabbats that are on the wheel of the year, they represent the cycling of birth, life, death and rebirth of the God. They are the Sabbats known as Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane Litha, Lughnasadh or Lammas, and Mabon.


Date: Oct 31


Date: Dec 21


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Date: March 21st


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Date: August 1st


Date: September 21st

The "Esbats" Celebrate the 13 full moons each year, the full moon is a representation of the Goddess at her full power. Each different phase of the moon holds different significance and properties. 

This Chapter or covers a fraction of what Wicca is and can be others, the origins of Wicca are still up to debate and speculation.

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