Chapter 1

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(Michonne's POV)

It took some time to get here but things have turned out alright, despite everything. Better than alright.

A year ago I never would have considered doing this. I transferred to a small firm in a small town. It's still Georgia, but I think the change of pace is exactly what I needed. I don't feel like I'm being looked over, unnoticed in the noise and the competition of the city. I might be able to make a real difference in a place like this.

Andre seems happy too. He's already made friends at Day Care. Our apartment building is in a good neighborhood, even has a community pool. And Andrea is settled down in the next town over, so I can see her sometimes.

My life is finally sorting itself out again. Small towns really do have a certain charm. Or maybe what I really mean is this small town has a certain man with a lot of charm.

How should I explain? It's a bit of an unexpected situation. I think I'm too old to call him my booty call. And it's not really an affair if nobody is cheating. Maybe friends with benefits? Something like that. He's good company, definitely a change of pace from my old life, and to be honest, the sex is excellent.

I've never been one for casual sex. Even in my college days, I was always in a serious relationship. Sometimes, though, change is a good thing. I'm starting my life over, in a way, so why not live my life to the fullest?

On good days, I don't think about Mike at all. And I'm having more and more good days, so I must be doing something right.

We've got it all figured out. If we didn't live in the same apartment complex, I don't know how it would work, with both of us being single parents.

Wednesdays are Date Nights. His son catches a ride with a friend to Boy Scouts, his daughter is already sleeping or playing quietly in her crib, and I pay my teenage neighbor to babysit Andre while I sneak on over to his place. Then for a blissful two hours, the world is ours.

I feel a little guilty for all the sneaking around. Still, it's better this way. The last thing I want to do is complicate things for his kids. Actually, the last thing I want to do is complicate things at all.

Every time I go over there and he opens the door to see me, his whole face lights up in a huge smile, crinkling the small lines around his eyes. He pulls me inside and kisses me. He's a fantastic kisser. Our chemistry is electric and in no time at all we're stumbling into his bedroom and our clothes are discarded haphazardly.

It's only later, when I'm getting dressed again and he hesitates before kissing me goodbye, that long pause like he's about to say something but then changes his mind, when I know. There's a flickering guilty feeling in my stomach and it's not from all the sneaking around.

Rick Grimes is in love with me.


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