Chapter 4

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"Michonne," he remembered my name immediately even though it'd been over two weeks since we first met.

"I guess it really is a small town," I said.

"Yeah, it is," he smiled.

The blonde woman next to him looked a little irritated at being left out but I ignored her.

I was all out of small talk so I took a chance, "Would you like to dance?"

"Absolutely," he said, taking my hand and letting me lead him out onto the dance floor, "but I have to warn you, I'm not very good. Two left feet and all."

Despite his warning, he was a pretty decent dancer. The music swept us along and we kept dancing through the next song. And the next, and the next. We got cocktails, danced again, and eventually settled at a table near the back of the room, sharing a bottle of champagne.

Even with the alcohol buzzing in my head, I still didn't feel like talking about myself very much, but Rick didn't seem to mind. He had this sense of casual self-assurance that I found refreshing and more than a little charming. At the same time, though, he had none of the cockiness of a man who knows he's attractive. The longer I looked at him, the harder it was to tear my eyes away.

When I asked how he knew Maggie and Glenn, he told me some crazy story about a sting operation gone wrong on an Atlanta rooftop and making a getaway with a pizza delivery boy in a stolen drug dealer's Challenger.

I couldn't remember the last time I'd smiled and laughed as much as I did that night.

Before I knew it, the party was winding down, the band was packing up, and the last guests were wandering towards the exit. Rick offered me his arm and we walked slowly, both a little unsteady on our feet, out to the lobby.

"Did you drive?" he asked me, either stalling before saying goodbye or, because of his job, reflexively cautious of drunk driving.

"Yeah...but I think I'd better call an Uber," I said, fishing for my phone.

"Or, you know..." Rick stood close to me, warmth in his blue eyes, "You could always stay the night. I have a room...If you're interested."

I blinked, my guard immediately back up.

"Rick...the truth is, I just got out of a relationship and I'm not looking for anything serious right now..." I tried to explain my reservations.

"I get that. Really, I do," he said, and I noticed again how his southern drawl was more pronounced the more he drank, "But I'm not talkin' about locking down forever. I'm just talkin' about tonight."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Is that line from a country song? That sounds like a country song."

"Maybe. Yes, yes it is," he admitted, his composure breaking and I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"I thought it was worth a try," he said with good humor, adding, "You're really something else, Michonne."

I watched him for a moment, thinking. All night he'd been looking at me like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. It felt good, really good, to be admired like that and made me realize how lonely I'd been. And it didn't hurt that he was gorgeous.

"Okay," I said.

I put my phone back in my purse. His beautiful face registered surprise, like he wasn't sure he'd heard me right. I smiled wide, feeling reckless and free, and slipped my hand into his.

We stood side by side in the elevator. His room was on nearly the top floor and I was a combination of excited and nervous.

Then he wove his fingers through mine and our eyes locked. He took a step closer to me and I felt a thrill of anticipation before our lips met. We kissed and I tangled my fingers in his hair and I'm quite sure that, even if that elevator had been full of people, I would not have noticed at all.



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