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After Saeron's last day...unni and So Hyun...are staying at their house amd we SNSD, just leave them alone cause we know that they need space to for them to move on.

Ok back to my work, Sooyoung and Yoona, are still in the Jejudo to watch every move of Krystal...

At Jejudo

weeks past I went to Jejudo, also to asked Krystal...when I arrive I went directly to where Yoona and Sooyoung is..."Yul, were glad you're here" Yoong said, "Yuri-ah, I don't think she would tell us" Soo said, then I simply went her and asked..."Krystal Jung, can you tell us where is Kai-oppa?" me...then she didn't respond...an hour after...Yoona and Sooyoung asked something..."Yul, it is true that Kim Saeron, gone?" Soo, then I nod, "eotteokki? (Yoona, said while biting her nails)  Hyoyeon unni, So Hyun, they must be really sad..."


"Yul, it is true that Kim Saeron, gone?" I heard Sooyoung unni asked...I saw Yul unni nod..."eotteoki? (Yoona unni said while biting her nails) Hyoyeon unni, So Hyun, they must be really sad..." Yoong. "Yul, you know the cause why she died?" Sooyoung unni asked Yul unni, "I think it is because her inborn illness" she said very weakly...I can't take it anymore I must tell them the truth...I went out to my room..."oh! Krystal, gwinchana?" Yul unni asked worriedly, "unni, is it true...about what I heard a while ago?" I asked with my head down.."neh, that's why I'm here...I came here to asked where is Kai oppa, I know he is the only one who can comfort Hyo unni..." Yul unni answered worriedly and calmly. Then I tell them every thing, like where Kai is...


After Krystal, tell us everything we went directly to the place where Kai oppa is hiding...when we arrive to that place I saw him sitting on the bench..."oppa!" I shout angrily then run towards him..."oppa you're alive" I said, "yah! eotteokki?..." he was going to asked something but I got him cut off when I punch his shoulder weakly and cry..."dapponoman, oppa did you know I was really upset after hearing that you're dead...(I paused a minute wiping my tears) oppa did you know that Saeron, died for the past few weeks ago?" I said continuosly crying...then I feel his arms rap around me..."mianhe" the only word he said..."ani, don't feel sorry to me...oppa, chaebal comeback home Hyo unni is suffering right now, your daughter Saeron past away last few weeks ago..." I said, "what? Yah! Tell me you're just joking" he said, "oppa, how can I joke right now...oppa, Hyo unni really need you right now...oppa, chaebal comeback home" I said while holding his hands begging..."arraso" he agree...

Next chapter preview:

"Omma! Abba, is alive..."


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