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sorry, the only word I want to say


I wake up early in the morning and prepare breakfast for my family and the girls...while cooking someone suddenly hug me, "good morning" and it's my husband Byun Baekhyun, "good morning" I greeted him back and he kissed me smack on the lips..."I really miss you" he said sweetly, "나도 me too" I replied with a smile. After preparing I went up, to call the children..."Byun Taekhyun, Byun Joy, Irene, Wendy, Seulgi, Yeri, palli breakfast is ready" after the rule call they all went down and having our breakfast...then after they all went to school.



We all go to school, while walking along the hallway I suddenly stop and sigh*, "Joy, is their something wrong?" Seulgi unni asked, "actually, Irene unni, Seulgi unni, Wendy unni, and you Maknae, I was just thinking what if we should say sorry to So Hyun, for everything we've done. Even it's not our fault, but we will say sorry for their wrong thoughts...do you agree with me?" I say and asked. Then a moment of silence occured, "whoa! Joy, you've grown so much" Wendy unni said, "I like your idea...Let's do it" Seulgi unni agree, as well as the others...


I was standing at the verand, when suddenly Kai, backhug me..."yah! What are you thinking about?" He asked, "nothing" I simply said..."Hyo, why don't we do it now...since the children are not here" he seductively said, "wh-what do you mean?" I asked innocentlt, as I feel his hot breathe thru my neck...
"K.I.S.S. and S.★★" he said and kissed my neck living a kiss mark, which made me ticklish. He carried me in bridal style, he smile at me then walked to the stairs when suddenly someone ring the bell, then he put me down as I went to the door...


This is the second time, that someone disturb as..."unni!" I heard Hyo said, so I go to her..."oh! Hyo, annyong, Kai annyong" Taeyeon noona said, "Taeng noona, Baek hyung, why don't you come in" I said...then they come in, while Hyo and Taeng noona went to the kitchen and Baek and I went to the living room..."Kai, why don't you comeback to our group? We really do miss you" Baek asked, "I don't know, actually I didn't think about it for now...I really do want to spend many times for my family" I said and smiled at him.


"Unni, do you really miss Baek oppa don't you? Me, I really do miss my hubby" Hyo said watching over them...then I notice something red on her neck, "Hyo, what is that? (pointing the red mark)" I said, then she holds it..."isn't that a kiss mark?" I asked, "ahh! 내" she honestly answered...and I smiled at her.


Aish! that Kai, he really made me feel embarrass because of this, I robbed my neck..."Hyo, why don't you come with your whole family at our house, I really do want you to visit" Tae unni said, "sure, I want it too" I agree...

Let's learn Korean...

Nado - 나도 - me too
아/ㅏ a
오/ㅗ o

Nae - 내 - yes

애/ㅐ ae


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