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I HATE author's notes but I have to speak like right now! Hello new comers! Thank you for being here! I appreciate you guys. But.... Most of all I appreciate @_yoyooo! From the bottom of my heart! Literally I've never seen something so sweet before! I've already told her my reaction to her kind gesture, so I won't elaborate. Just know that it was epic!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE support _yoyooo you guys! She's literally an amazing WOMAN.

And I see you gals commenting "_yoyooo sent me"😏. Hey _yoyooo's supporters! Thank you for coming here.

Read on you guys! READ ON ! And please tell a friend to tell a friend about this book.

Definitely working on a update right now. I just need to do some revising so it can be perfect. I have so many twists, turns, and game changers for this ! Just wait on it 😈.

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