Time to Go Out!!

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When All friends where already done, the two boys meet up and went infront of the house of Asusa.

Asayo: Asusa-san!! Lets go!!

Asusa: *voice from the window* Haaaayy!!

Pecket: Miss Asusa, you mus'nt fake your face like that.

Asusa: Why not? *puts glasses and fake pimples on*

Pecket: If people knew that you were the daugter of the man who has the world's greatest place, we'll be living in shame!!

Asusa: Well, I will try hard to keep this secret.

Pecket: Why do you even keep such a secret?

Asusa: People just like me from my face, so I decided that the true friends I have on my current body, will be the true friends I've been dreaming of.

Pecket: All right, have it your way.

Asayo: *voice coming from outside* Asusa-chan!! Were late!!

Asusa: Thanks and bye Miss Pecket!! :3

Pecket: If you insist, goodluck.

Asusa: *comes out from door downstairs* Sorry im so late guys!!

Asayo: Its okay, as long as we can goo!! *runs around*

Tsubaki: What are you wearing?

Asusa: *blushes a little* Its the dress my mother gave me!!

Tsubaki: Looks nice. *reads book*

Asusa: *blushes alot* o///___\\\o T-thanks.....Tsubaki-kun.

Asayo: Don't tell me theres this love in the air thingy again??

Both: NO!! >___<

Tsubaki: Lets just go *reads book*

Both: Yes boss!!

Tsubaki: I already told you to not call me that!! Hmph!!

Asayo: *laughs* Hahaha!!

Asusa: *giggles* Tee hee...

Pecket: *looks from house window* Hmmmmmm, I see, so thats Tsubaki Asusa was talking about.

When the friends went to the amusment park, they enjoyed themselves.

Asusa: Asayo-kun!! Lets ride the rollercoaster!!

Asayo: I did'nt know you were THIS intense!! Lets go!! But first...*runs to Tsubaki sitting on a bench reading*

Tsubaki: What do you want??

Asayo: Tsubaki-kun!! Lets ride the coaster with Asusa!!

Tsubaki: Sorry, Im reading. Go without me...

Asayo: Awwwww...but its more fun with you! *grabs arm to the coaster*

Tsubaki: H-hey!! >___<

Asusa: Wait for meeeee!! :D

Asayo: There are three seats in one row, thats better!! So we can all ride together!! :D

Asusa: Nice coaster!! :D Looks fun!!

Tsubaki: Wait!! I get si--

Asayo: *places Tsubaki at the right edge of coaster seats* There. *sits on the left edge*

Asusa: *sits on the middle* Im here!! ^__^

Tsubaki: What is that sound??

Asayo: Its the engines!! Were starting to move!! :D

Coaster: *goes up* Brrrrrrrmmmmm!!!

Tsubaki: Ooooohhhh nooo..... *feeling dizzy*

Asayo: What wrong Tsubaki?? Scared?? XD

Asusa: *touches chin and looks at face* Youre feeling pale Tsubaki.

Tsubaki: *blushes a little* Ohh Glob, *barfs at edge of coaster* BRRRGGGGBRBRBGRGR!!

Asayo: OMG!! Tsubaki!! Are you okay?

Tsubaki: Does it look like im okay?? :/

Asayo: Yes. XD

Asusa: *wipes mouth* here, before the coaster goes down.

Tsubaki: A-asusa.......*blushes*

Asusa: What??

Tsubaki: N-nothing!!

Asayo: The coaster is going DOOOOOOOOWWWWNNNNNN!!! Wahhhhh!!

Asusa: *tissue slips out of hand* Oops.

Tsubaki: Oh noooo!! DX *screams*

Asayo: Hahah your scared!! XD

Asusa: (Poor Tsubaki-kun)

Coaster: *ends*

Asayo: Lets ride again!! :D

Tsubaki: No moore... *barfs at trashcan*

Asusa: Did you enjoy the ride? I did. :3

Asayo: Yes!!

Tsubaki: No. *feels dizzy and falls*

Asayo: *catches* You almost hit yourself....

Asusa: Are you okay? Tsubaki-kun?

Tsubaki was already asleep, his friends went to his house and put him on the bed and left to their homes.

Tsubaki: *wakes* Hmmmmm?? What happened??

Mom: Are you ok Tsubaki? Your friends carried you here ealier.

Tsubaki: Are they gone?

Mom: Yes, they just stayed after tea and left.

Tsubaki: Oh, I see.


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