First Date Ruined

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Tsubaki: Will you.. go out with me?

Asusa:O///O W-What?! B-Butー

Tsubaki: *holds her hand* You don't want to?

Asusa: Its not that... *looks away* I just...

Tsubaki: ?

Asusa: This is the first time a guy asks me to go out with him.

Toru: *jealous mode on* Why do you accept him asking you out on a date?! I asked you alot of times!!

Asusa: *blushes* This is the first time the guy I like asked me outー Eh.

Tsubaki: You... like me? *blushes more*

Kou: EHHHH?! *falls over*

Asusa: I mean... no!! I don't!

Tsubaki: *chuckles*

All: *looks at Tsubaki* ??

Tsubaki: You told me that you liked me then, no?

Asusa: Uh... I'm just so confused right now.

Toru: *storms off* I hate this part.

Kou: *grabs Asayo and leaves with Toru* Well! See you guys!

Asusa: W-Wait! Don't leave me Kou!

Tsubaki: *grabs her arm* Wait.... Asusa.

Asusa: *faces him and blushes* W-Wha...?

Tsubaki: Answer me first, will you go out with me?

Asusa: *blushes* Yes...

Tsubaki: o///o R-Really?! *hugs Asusa* You're the best!

Asusa: A-Ah... Tsubaki-kun... you're... kindaー

Tsubaki: *eyes widen* S-Sorry! *puts her down* Kinda did something weird earlier did I?

Asusa: *smiles* Its fine, its nothing really.

Tsubaki: Then I'll see you at your house at 8! *leaves*

Asusa: Ah... ( Is it me... or is it that Tsubaki started to act cool? )

After a few hours... its 8:00pm... the date night.

Tsubaki: *knocks* Mrs. Jyodu?

Mrs. Jyodu ( Asusa's mother ): Ah yes Tsubaki, I heard all about you. *smiles*

Tsubaki: Asusa told me about you?

Mrs. Jyodu: Yes. Why wouldn't Asusa talk about someone she likes?

Tsubaki: *blushes* S-She likes me?

Mrs. Jyodu: Of course. And I heard you asked her out, come in. *opens door*

Tsubaki: Thanks Mrs. Jyodu. *follows*

Asusa: Ah Tsubaki-kun! Sorry I took so long!

Tsubaki: Its fine. Mrs. Jyodu? May I take your daughter on a date?

Mrs. Jyodu: Of course, I've been waiting for the ( perfect ) man to take her.

Tsubaki: Thank you! *bows*

Asusa: We'll be going! *pulls Tsubaki out*

Mr. Jyodu: EHHHH?! WHAT DID YOUー?!

Mrs. Jyodu: Your daughter has grown up already.

With Asusa and Tsubaki...

Asusa: Where do you plan to take me? Dinner?

Tsubaki: Nah. That'd be too cliché for you.

Asusa: Then where?

Tsubaki: *smiles* Somewhere you'll be happy in. *sits on top of the car*

Asusa: Ehh? At a car??

Tsubaki: No silly. What you see on top of it. *pulls her up*

Asusa: *eyes sparkle* This is...

Tsubaki: Great view isn't it?

Asusa: Its an amazing view! The lights at night are wondeful.

With Kou and Asayo... and Toru.

Asayo: Psst! Kou!

Kou: *holds him down* Shuuuush! Were spying on them!

Toru: Why are we doing this exactly?

Kou: Because, Tsubaki might do something to Asusa!

Asayo: I think you've read too many doujunshis lately.

Kou: *hits Asayo with a stick* Bad dog! Stay!

Toru: Maybe this is a good idea... ( Since I don't want Asusa with that scumbag. )

Asayo: Eh?! ( You too Toru?! )

Asusa: Eh? Tsubaki did you hear someone?

Tsubaki: I don't know, maybe just the wind. Since I was the only one who knew this spot.

Asusa: O-Ok... I'll just make sure there really is no one.

Kou: *bits fingers* ( If she sees us, were done for!! ) *whispers* Quick! *runs off*

Toru: Faster Asayo! *grabs Asayo and runs with Kou*

Asusa: Hm? There's no one here...

Tsubaki: See? The wind or some animals were just poaching around there.

Asusa: Okay then. *goes back*

Toru: ( THAT IDIOT CALLED ME AN ANIMAL!! ) *bites Asayo's leg in anger*

Asayo: Ow, ow, ow, ow!! Stop that! Nyeehhh *fights with Toru*

Kou: Guys, if you continue that, you're dead!

Tsubaki: Did.... did I just head Kou's voice? *jumps off*

Asusa: *spots them* Kou? Asayo? TORU?!

Kou: *facepalm* Idiots... { Reffering to Asayo and Toru... especially Asayo. }

Toru and Asayo: -still fighting-


That ends our short chapter 18. Sorry that I was updating slowly, since there are many other stories ongoing, I had to hold the other old stories. I shall update faster once a story has been finished. Anyway, comment about what you think about this chapter and please vote and share to your friends! And lets see what they'll react to this! Till next time folks, BYAA~!

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