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Another school day. Except today Nate wanted to meet with me after school. I was so nervous about meeting him and I didn't know why. I mean come on, I'd, had lunch with him yesterday, what could be so different? This is all for my plan, why do I suddenly feel funny about this?

"Hey Ari!" I looked up. I hadn't noticed that I had zoned out in the middle of class. Ivy was next to me looking at me with a 'are you okay?' face. I nodded and looked to the front of the class where my teacher was explaining something that was beyond me, but I tried to concentrate anyway. I had second day of the week and year fever, and a slight case of what am I doing with this plan and Nate?


"Ari, are you ok? You kept zoning out in class... and you like never do that!"

"Yeah I know I was just thinking..."

"About your date with Nate? Hey that rhymes!" I rolled my eyes. Ivy was the most childish nearly eighteen year old I knew.

"Yes! I don't know... I'm nervous! And I've already had lunch with him and that was yesterday! Why am I nervous now? Maybe it's cos he wants to go out with me... I don't know! Ivy help me. I'm blabbering..." and with that she put her hand over my mouth.

"Shut it!" She said. I quickly took the opportunity to stick out my tounge and lick her hand.

"Eww! Ari yuck! Look your 'date' will be fine.. and you don't even know if it's a date!" Ivy said wiping her hand on her shirt.

"You're right. This is too much thinking! Lunch time." With that I marched on down the corridors to the cafeteria.

"Ari! Slow the hell down, your gonna get a speeding ticket if you don't" Ivy yelled after me.

"When ya gotta eat, ya gotta eat! And are you really gonna come across me and my food?" I asked her as I slowed down to a normal person pace.


"Hi, what do you want?" The lunch lady asked with a bored look.

"Ummm... a butter chicken wrap, a apple juice and a brownie please."

"That will be eight dollars fifty please. I handed her the change and took my lunch to my usual table.

"Hey. Thanks for waiting." Ivy said sarcastically.

I smiled as I ate a huge chunk of my wrap. She rolled her eyes and did the same.

"Hey Ari..." I turned around, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Oh, hey Nate." I said once my mouth was empty.

"Hey, remember to meet me by my car after school."

"Yeah will do... we have last period together anyway, but yeah, I will meet you there."

"Cool... oh hey Ivy. Long time no see! How you been?"

"Good. Would you like to take a seat?"

"Yeah sure, don't mind if I do." He said, sitting down next to me. Well of course he would, wouldn't he. I glared at Ivy; but she wasn't paying attention because she was in a conversation with the devil himself.

"Hey guys I'll be back..." I said getting up and walking to the bathroom. I don't even think they heard me.

In the bathroom it was the usual. A few of Rosa's popular minions were re-doing their makeup for the thousandth time today.

"Well hello Ariana."

"Hi Jasmine." I said walking into a stall, purposely just to ignore them.

Once I had finished I quickly washed my hands and dryed them dodging the minions as I went, then walked out and back to my table.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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