Hidden Feelins II

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Dedicated to bunnylover100  and kanata10

(y/n) POV
You had her.

You finally had her.

Or at least you thought you did.

'It's ok we're just friends' she says.

'I only have eyes for you' she whispers in between kiss.

'I love you'

You want to believe her when she tells you this. Maybe it's your fault for being so insecure about her feelings for you, always needing reassurance.

Physically she was yours. She willingly gave herself to you, in the intimate aspect that is.

Emotionally was a different story entirely. Her ex had beat you to it. She imprinted herself within Touka's heart and even though you had a spot in there, the whole of it wasn't yours. It belonged to Yoriko Kosaka.

It was history repeating itself. She had fallen in love with a close friend, who soon turned into a lover.

You were temporary. You realized that when she yelled out for Yoriko, yelled for her when it was your appendages doing all the work to get her off.

Not once did you bring up that night or the many others to come with her silent whimpers of the other woman's name.

Why did you choose to stay by her side? Was it the desperation of losing her, giving her up to Yoriko or was it a manifestation of your own fear of loneliness.

Whichever it was you knew you didn't deserve it. No one should willingly be ok with second best.

Touka's POV
She wasn't giving you her all. That she knew for sure. She yearned to open up as much as she had with Yoriko but she felt it strained. The connection you both had was strained, like a piece of elastic stretched out to its limits.

She was just needy. Needy for someone to fill those cold lonely nights where she was held up in her apartment feeling less than herself. Trapped within her mind that swarmed with negative thoughts.

When she felt the depression slowly looming over her she knew you were just one phone call away. A quick fix to lift her out of her mind and into bliss.

The pang of guilt she felt when you whispered 'I love you' into her ear and she gave you a half assed reply quickly vanished along with both of your clothes.

She hadn't known the true meaning of selfish until she got into a relationship with you, a one of give a little and take a lot.

But when you lye before her in all your nude glory it's kinda hard for her not to want to devour you whole.

(y/n) POV
You grip onto the sheets tightly looking down at the blue hair that resided in between your spread legs. Closing your eyes you imagine that this is out of the love she has for you and not the perky girl. You imagine that she isn't thinking about the girl who has completely overtaken her heart, even in this position.

You try to drown out the pain with the pleasure Touka is providing through languid licks down on your lower lips. Losing yourself in the thought of true love and happiness.

Instead of dwelling on the ugly that is this relationship you moan out her name repeating 'I love you' like it's a mantra, hoping, praying that even now maybe your feelings will get through to her.

And perhaps she'll start to see how much you mean such a minuscule phrase.

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