Chapter two

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I was currently sitting on my balcony, looking at the night sky. "William?" I look at the door and see my parents and Matt standing there. I look at Matt. "You told them, didn't you?" He looks down, that's says more than a hundred words. "William, Matthew told us about that woman." Says my mother. "Did he tell you that she was with a man?" "Yes, he did. But you do not have to be upset, you will find your future wife when the time is right." My mother said. "Was she so pretty?" "Yes father, I have never seen a woman so beautiful." "Did you talk to her?" "No father." "So you do not know her name?" "No I do not." "That is too bad." Father said and walked away shortly afterwards. Mother smiled at me and followed Father. "I'm sorry, Will. But they were worried, you've been very distracted ever since you saw her." "I know Matt, I'm not mad at you, don't worry." He smiled at me and walked away. I looked at the city, it looks so peaceful at night.


I looked left and right. No guards, good. I ran as quiet as I could to the next hallway and look again for guards. No guards, I kept running until I could see the gate. As I expected, there were guards. But living in the castle, has some benefits. I look at my watch, alright they're break is I look at them and smile when I see them leave. When they're gone, I ran to the gate and opened it with my key. Once I'm away from the castle I stopped running and looked around me. Where am I going to find her?

I'm walking in the empty streets, wondering where I'm going to find her. I should have thought about it more, even when I find her, what would I say to her? Suddenly someone bumps into me. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" "I'm fine, thank you." I look to the person who bumps into me and see a woman with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. "Are you sure you're alright?" "I'm sure, but why were you in such a hurry?" "Oh that's right! I need to go!" she turns around to go, but turns back to look at me and grabs my arm. I look at my arm and then at her. "Uh, what are you doing?" "Come with me, I'm going to a party and then I can buy you a drink to say sorry." "You don't have to that." "Oh no, I have to. Come on!" And with that said she dragged me to that party she was talking about.

It was really crowded, everyone kept bumping to me. I followed the woman to a more quiet room. "Finally! I've waited thirty minutes!" "I'm sorry but I bumped into him and I asked him to come with me." She said to a man. The man I saw that beautiful woman with! He looks at me. "I'm Kyle, what is your name?" And this is why I went outside the castle at night, then nobody recognises me. "I'm Will" "Oh! I never asked for your name! I'm so sorry! I'm Sally by the way." I smiled at her "You do apologise a lot, do you know that?" "She does it too much, I say it to her all the time."


Sally and Kyle were dancing and I was alone. I went through the crowd to find a way outside, away from everyone. Once outside, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Don't you like big crowds?" "I don't like being in them" I looked at her and... it was her! The woman I was searching! She was even prettier then when I saw a few days ago. I smiled at her. "I'm Will." She smiles back "I'm Luna." "If you don't like big crowds, then what are you doing here? "My friends are here, and you?" "A woman, Sally, bumped into me and dragged me here." She laughed "Then you've met my best friend." "You're friends? She is still inside if you were waiting on her." "I was waiting on her, but I don't want to go inside, I rather stay here. And if she needs me, she knows that I'll be here." "And Kyle? Is he a friend of you to?" "Yes he is, have you met him to?" "Yeah, he was waiting on Sally."


"And then he just ran into our father. It was hilarious!" "I can believe that. Your brother sounds like a great guy." "He is." "Luna." We both look and see Kyle and Sally looking at us. "It's time to go." "Already?" She asks and then looks at her watch. "Oh time sure flies when you're having fun." She says while smiling at me. I smile back at her. "Do you need a ride?" Kyle asks me. "No thank you." "Alright, Sally, Luna, let's go." "I don't need a ride either." "Luna, it's dark outside." "Kyle, I don't live far from here and I'm a big girl." "But-" "No buts, you bring Sally home and I'll walk with Will." Sally and Kyle look at me and walk away.

"Why did you want to walk with me?" "Because I want to keep talking with you of course!" She says and starts to walk. I walk next to her. "What do you want to talk about?" "You." "Me?" "Yes, you." "Well, what do you want to know about me?" "When will I see you again?" "You want to see me again?" "Yes, I really liked talking to you. You're good company." "I'm happy to hear that." "You should be. So, when will I see you again?" "I don't know..." She stops walking and looks at me. "Busy life?" "Yeah, really busy." "That's too bad, I really wanted to see you again." "You will, I just don't know when." She smiles at me. "I just hope that it'll be soon." She kissed my cheek and laughed. "Your face! It's all red!" I put my hands on my cheeks, but she took them and took them away from my cheeks. "Don't hide it, it's cute." I smiled at her and she smiled at me. It felt as if we stood there for hours. Until...

"Will!" we both looked at who called me. Matt. What is he doing here? And how did he know where I was? He came closer. "I was so worried! Why did you do that!?" He then saw Luna and looked at our hands. I let go of Luna's hands. "Who is she?" Luna smiled at him. "I'm Luna." he looked at her. "Matt, his younger brother." "So, you're Matt?" "Uh yeah, I just said that..." He looks back to me. "Let's go before father sees that we're gone." "Yeah, I'm coming." I look at Luna. "Well, I'll see you soon." She smiles at me. "I hope very soon." She than walks away. I look at her while she's walking away. "You've got a lot explanation to do." I hear Matt say behind me. I look at him. "I know."

A Royal Love: WilliamWhere stories live. Discover now