❤️ 17 ❤️

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My heart ache badly by each second that pass by, who knows what they could be doing to my baby. Oh my sweet little baby . Why on earth would she leave me she knows the rules.....Shit was it because of Sophie? Fuck this is all my fault . This was my baby's and I's vacation and here I am talking to another girl. I'm so sorry Ariana. I really am. I sighed deeply and ran my hand down my face.

Almost there baby. I'm almost there

I clenched my fist around my riffle as the small cabin slowly came to view.
Oh they wont even see it coming .
"So Me & Ryan we'll go through the front. Then Chris & Xavier will go through the back and Janet keep back a few steps so you can look for Ariana" they all nodded in unison.

Getting our guns prepared, we quietly slipped out the van that was kept on the vacant street so it'll go unnoticed and won't bring any unwanted attention towards ourselves.

A few leaves crunched here and there but it wasn't loud enough to alarm the people inside. I motioned Chris and Xavier forward to the back, and Janet silently trail behind them.
I quickly loaded my riffle and took deep steady breaths. I hid on the left wall and Ryan his on the right side. He narrowed his eyes to me , kinda like asking me if I was ready but how is that even question right now. Ofcourse I'm fucking ready.

He shifted on his feet a bit before taking a breath and steadying the gun pointed at the direction of the knob.
1 . 2 . go!. I laughed as I slammed the door opened "daddy's home bitches". In a few seconds all hell broke loose. Shots were being fired from every direction and I almost ran out of ammo but luckily I had a back up. I was currently crouching behind a thrown upside down couch with Xavier besides me.

"Ready?," he whispered and I nodded. I quickly jumped up and shot the ugly blonde dude standing right infront of the couch . As soon as my feet touched the ground I rolled over and loaded my gun quickly , shooting 2 more other guys coming from the hallway. Hissing I dodged another bullet, the previous had missed by a few centimeters but it had definitely cut through my black shirt and skinned my arm open and blood gushed out.

"JUSTIN!" I jerked my head to the direction the scream came from. Janet was standing down the hall giving me a frantic look with my poor little baby on her arm. And that's when I went super sane and killed everyone on my path. After shooting 4 other scumbags I reached towards my baby and grabbed her .

"J-jay?" She said in the most raspy and cracked voice .I nodded and grabbed her cheeks then I frantically kissed her all over . I laid my forehead against hers . "Da-daddy's here baby" I went out to grab her arm but she mewl as soon as I came in contact with it.
"Oh babyy" I mewl with her and took her good arm from Janet.

Janet escorted us from the house but as soon as we walked out front the whole place was surrounded by cops.
"Fuck my life!" I yelled and took a stronger hold of my fragile babygirl's waist. "Justin Bieber Please let go of the girl and put your hands up!" The dumb voice recorder said.
Taking a few steps forward everyone load their guns in sync .

"Please Mr.Bieber , we aren't  afraid to shoot. Stay were you are and let the girl go" I laughed dryly "Bullshit!". I took one more step forward and all I heard was a gun shot , suddenly everything went deadly silent. My breathing sped up and I could swear my heart skipped a beat . "You dumb fuck I was supposed to tell you when too shoot.!" I heard a muffled voice said. "D-daddy" the heart wrenching voice cried.

I looked down on my baby and saw her with the most scared look on her face. "No!, No , No hey hey baby hey princess its ok !!" I cried out and fell down to the floor with her in arms. "Look!, Princess look at me!" I said sternly and my voice cracked. I grabbed her chin and forced her to stare at me "your ok!?, your ok " I said soothingly

she nodded "I'm ok, Im OK." She coughed alittle and cried when she saw blood came out.  "NO, NO , NO, NO! HEY BABY , BABY LOOK AT ME! YOUR OK!, YOUR OK!"she nodded and cried more while grabbing my cheeks .

"L-lets go home, y-ye-yeah?, " she cried and nodded coughing some more. I cried and kissed her forehead "yes Baby yes we're gonna go home!" I looked around and growled "FOR FUCKSSAKE SOMEBODY HELP HER PLEASE!" but nobody moved.

I quickly brushed her hair back and kissed her all over her face again.
"Baby we're ok!" I laughed and wiped her tears but she shook her head
"n-no!, h-home . L-lets go n-now .
Pl-ease D-Daddy NOW!" She cried and frantically rubbed my face. More tears felled down my my cheeks while I nodded.

I had a death gripped on the wounded area on her abdomen. "I- I wuv y-ou Justin" I cried and shook my head "don't, please don't " I sobbed and caressed her face I gave her a deep short kiss and looked at her eyes .
"We're going home baby , we're going home" but this time she didn't answer.

"NO.NO NO NO NO ARIANA!" I sobbed into her neck and my heat clenched tightly I can't do this I can't do this without her . Why god why would you do this to me...to her!. Wtf is wrong with you your supposed to bring joy to people's life . fuck you and your bullshit fuck everyone!.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I cried as trashed as three swat members threw me on to the floor next to my baby that was being treated by some medical officers. Her eyes were opened but lifeless , I no longer saw that spark in them.  I cried and let them take me away in a van. This is it ? Is this it?.

We'll hello my lovelies enjoyed the chapter? ☺️, please don't leave comments just plainly saying "update!" Cause that's not exactly motivating me to write more.

And we're almost to ending guys, and I feel that it will take you by surprise but when it comes please don't leave rude comments cause I am going to make a sequel.

1. What should happen next?

2.Whats do think is gonna happen to Justin And Ariana.?

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