Chapter 7: Retribution

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Early in the morning, Jack has already woken up and is getting prepared to go. He soon walks out of his room and into James', down the hall, seeing him still deep asleep. He walks over to his dresser and picks up his phone, seeing that the alarm has already long since gone off.

He shakes his head and puts it down, looking back at James. "You gotta get a better alarm, boy..."

He walks out of the room and pulls a device from the hall closet, which has a cord attached to it and a small rod at the end of it. On the device, there is a dial and a red button below it.

He then goes back into the room and over to James, putting the rod in his hand and then adjusting the dial. He looks at James, then presses the button, sending a jolt into his hand and through his body. This causes him to yelp and flip over, rolling off his bed and onto the floor.

When James finally regains his composure, he shakes his head and looks up at his older brother. "What the heck, man!? Not cool!"

Jack smirks and picks up the cord, wrapping it around the device. "I warned you last night that if you weren't up when I came to check on you, you'd get a surprise awakening."

James grunts and staggers up, sitting on his bed. "I was up late, researching! Give me a break."

Jack scoffs and walks out of the room. "Get ready, James. You've got a big day ahead of you. And I'm sure your friend, Vincent, won't want you to miss the boat.

James groans and rubs his eyes, sitting on his bed for a minute before finally getting up and looking at his phone. The time shows 5:48 AM. He sighs and unplugs it, putting it in his pocket. "Just another couple hours of sleep... I'm not ready for this."

After several moments, James comes out of the room, carrying a large backpack which has been stuffed with things for the trip. He drops it down by the coffee table and falls onto the couch, laying back and closing his eyes.

Jack looks at him from the kitchen and chuckles lightly. "You look a little tired, there. When did you finally pass out?"

"Three..." James mutters, almost seeming about to die in his spot.

"Three. That was smart. Can't do much on two and a half hours of sleep, brother. What were you even researching?"

"Historical facts about..." He yawns, mid-sentence. "...the two countries and what they're capable of... I needed to learn the reason for stopping the battle, and what could come, should it go on."

"And did you find anything?"

James shakes his head. "Absolutely nothing. It almost seems pointless to interfere, unless I'm just asking for an early death. But the Council seems adamant about stopping it. So there must be some reason I'm not seeing."

Jack turns down the temperature on the stove and shifts the bacon in the pan around. "Seems like a load of crap to me. Maybe your 'Council' overlooked something and this whole thing is merely a mistake."

James opens his eyes to look back at him. "Yeah, that's very likely. A group that serves Arceus, and has been around for two thousand years, overlooked something as crucial as this."

Jack shrugs. "Hey, I'm just saying. Maybe something went wrong, somewhere. Did you even bother asking the reasoning for sending you in the first place?"

James sighs and lays his head back. "No..."

Jack eyes him for a moment, then goes back to making the food. They are silent for a while, until he is finished preparing breakfast. He then sets two plates up and brings them into the livingroom, sitting down by James and putting his plate on the table.

"Eat up. We've got an hour until the ship arrives."

James looks at it and slowly nods, picking it up and beginning to eat. He soon sets the plate down and looks at the clock on the computer's screensaver. A bouncing, green, digital clock shows 6:12 AM.

"...Hey, Jack?"

Jack looks at him.

"What if they were wrong... about the task? And I'm just doing this for nothing..."

"I was half kidding about that."

James shakes his head. "No, I'm serious. What if they were?"

Jack stares at him for a moment, the somewhat worried expression concerning him. "...Then I don't know. But don't worry about that, James. What's important is that you try your hardest. And don't let anything get in your way of doing what you must. I believe in you, man. So you believe in yourself."

James slowly nods and looks back at the computer for a few seconds, before taking his plate and finishing his food.

After resting for a short while and making final preparations, James looks back at the time. It is nearly 7, and Jack has been in the garage, checking up on his craft and making sure it is running as expected. He makes some minor prepares and then checks his phone on the shelf.

He goes to the sink to wash his hands, then walks into the house. "Hey, James! It's time to go!"

James looks down the hall and gets up. "I'll be right there!"

He grabs his phone off the table and picks up his backpack, before going into the garage, where Jack seen drinking from a bottle of water. The younger brother walks over to the craft and puts his bag in the compartment in the back.

Jack then goes and sits in the seat, James getting on behind him and setting his feet up on the mounts. He then starts the engine and the two take off to the port.

- - - - -

"Hey, Vincent... Look at the sunrise."

Vincent walks out onto the deck of the ship, where Larisa is hovering by the rail and staring out at the sea. The sky is starting to light up as the sun is seen just over the horizon, bringing with it the light of dawn that reflects off the water.

He leans over the rail and gazes out at it, smiling a bit. "I never really got to see this when we were at home... Even when we were at the port, it just didn't look the same. Not like this..."

Larisa makes a soft purr and nods slowly. "...I wonder how everyone's doing... How Lasuno's doing..."

He looks back at the Latias, then puts his arm around her, giving her a hug. "I'm sure they're fine... They can take care of themselves."

She looks down, leaning into the hug. "I know... But I can't help but worry."

Vincent slowly nods and looks out again. "Yeah... I wonder when we'll see them again? I hope soon..."

The two stare out for several moments in silence, until a male's voice on the loudspeaker catches their attention.

" Now approaching Cianwood Island. We will be docking in approximately ten minutes. There will be a thirty minute interval before the ship sets sail to Gateon Port. Returning passengers are advised to board at least five minutes beforehand to confirm their partonage. Thank you for sailing with us on the great S.S. Aqua."

Vincent looks back at the entry hall, then at Larisa. "We'll be seeing James there. Are you ready?"

She nods. "Of course."

He smiles, then turns to go to the cabins, checking his phone and seeing that he has one message.

"Hey, Vincent! I'm on my way to the port. Meet us at the end of the dock. You should be able to pick us out from the other people by the craf"

The message cuts off at the end, and Vincent blinks. "Strange..." He shrugs and takes it off the charger, then the two leave the room and go towards the exit, where many of the passengers are gathered to leave.

As the ship arrives at the dock, the voice on the loudspeaker is heard again. " Now arriving at Cianwood Island. Watch your step when getting off the ship. And we hope you enjoyed your voyage."

Vincent and Larisa watch the other passengers get off, before going behind them and leaving the ship. As they get down to the dock, Vincent gives the attendant his keycard and then walks down the dock to look for James.

After several minutes of searching through the crowd, the two see am arm waving over everyone, as someone shouts out Vincent's name. They soon realize it to be James, and go over to him. Jack is sitting on a bench near a light pole, where the craft is parked several yards away to prevent any damage to anything when it's active.

"Took you long enough to see me. I told you, look for the craft."

Vincent shakes his head. "Yeah, that didn't stick out so much. By the way, your message cut off."

James blinks and pulls out his phone, looking over his messages. "Huh... That's the first time I went past the limit."


"Yeah, there's a 140 character limit for text messages. It's kind of a network issue, but Jack still needs to put some kind of block to keep it from going past it."

Vincent nods slowly. "I see..."

"Oh! Speaking of which, Jack? About that chip."

Jack gets up and goes over to them. "I didn't forget. Let me see your phone really quick, Vincent."

Vincent looks at him curiously, then hands him his phone. He then turns it off and takes off the back cover. After finding a certain spot in it, he places a small chip inside it and closes it again, turning it back on and giving it back.

Vincent watches as it boots up, then notices the clear difference where the service provider has been wiped.

"...What did you do?"

"I realize that you won't be able to pay for your service any longer, due to the current circumstances... That chip I put in wipes your phone's address out of the system and hacks the server. That way, you'll keep your phone on without paying for it."

Vincent stares at him and he folds his arms. "...It's kind of illegal. Which is why you probably shouldn't contact the providers or any authorities with it... It might get you in trouble."

He puts the phone back in his pocket and nods. "Very well..."

"I'm sorry about what happened with your parents. No one should have to experience such a thing."

Vincent sighs and shake shis head. "Nothing can be done about it now... The only thing we can do is move on and try to make the best of things."

James puts his hand on Vincent's shoulder. "Don't worry, my friend. I'll be here until the end."

Vincent smiles a bit. "And so will I..."

James nods, then looks at the ship. "So, fifteen minutes."

Vincent looks at the clock over the station. "...Technically ten. We have to get on five minutes before, for confirmation."

"Right... So, ten minutes."

Larisa looks between them. "Not much to go on..."

Jack shrugs a bit. "We could get something for breakfast. You can take it on the ship."

James looks at him and nods. "Yeah, we could. How about it?"

Vincent nods as well. "We should have time."

James smiles and pats him on the shoulder, then they go to the station.

- - - - -

"I found the two. Just as expected, they would be meeting at his home."

"Good... Follow them onto the ship. I don't like this one bit."

"Very well, my lady." The man gets up and walks off.

- - - - -

"Hurry, we've got one minute left!"

"Hey, James!"

James turns back towards Jack, who is standing by the craft.

"Blow them away. Make me proud and come back home safe."

He nods. "Thanks, bro. Don't worry, I'll come back."

Jack smirks. "You'd better. Remember our little deal."

A voice over the loudspeaker speaks, making an announcement. " We are now accepting the last passengers onto the S.S. Aqua. Please board immediately to make your reservation."

Larisa looks at the ship. "We have to go now."

James looks at her and nods. "Right... I'll see you later, Jack!"

Jack waves to him. "Good luck."

The three then run to the ship and Vincent and James show the attendant their cards. He scans them and looks at the two. "Are you boarding together?"

James nods, and he takes a keycard, giving it to him. "Enjoy your trip."

He nods again and they go onto the bridge to the ship. James looks back at Jack, who nods to him, and he smiles and waves to him, before getting on.

And following behind them, another man gets on, keeping his eyes on them.

"So, what room this time?"

James looks at Vincent, then at the keycard. "Oh! Right. Uhh, floor 1, room 36. Huh, we must've gotten on late."

Vincent looks around. "Seems so. Everyone must've already gotten settled. We probably should too. We'll be at Gateon Port by noon, tomorrow."

"Right then." James nods, and the three go to their room. As they enter, this one appears larger than Vincent's room during the last trip. There are two beds, one on opposite sides of the room, and between them is a long desk with two chairs, and a lamp set in the center of it. And under the desk, where the lamp is positioned, there is a small refrigerator.

James walks in and puts his bag on the desk, then sits on one of the beds. "Haven't seen a two person room on this ship. I suppose it's not that much different than one, though."

Vincent nods and walks in, just before Larisa darts past him and onto the other bed.

"It's just as comfy as the other one!"

James looks at her and chuckles. "Enjoying yourself, there?"

Vincent smiles and sits down by her, putting his bag on the floor by the bed and then stroking her neck. "I think she's grown in love with this ship."

Larisa makes a small purr before saying, "Don't tell Lasuno..."

Vincent blinks at that, then he and James both break into laughter. James reaches over and pats her. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with us."

The three stay in the room for a while, occasionally talking between each other about recent events, then eventually bringing up the important subject of James' task.

"...So what have you learned of the two sides?"

James shakes his head and reaches into his bag, pulling out his phone. "Only a few things that might explain why we'd want them not to fight. But it's not adequate enough information to really help us stop them."

He pulls up a document, then hands his phone to Vincent, who looks it over.

"Historical documents about the countries Chora and Nero. Two countries that have worshipped separate ancient entities of the land and sea... So they're fighting because of Groudon and Kyogre?"

James sits back against the wall. "Keep reading, it gets better."

Vincent reads through the text, seeing the occasional images representing different groups within the countries and descriptions on what their armed forces are trained in.

"Each side is specially trained for combat using power from the two entities... But the thing stopping them from using this power on the world is each other."

James nods. "Whoever won this battle would be able to expand their armies further, and they would be capable of having an impact on the balance of nature."

Vincent shakes his head. "But isn't that what Team Magma and Team Aqua tried a few years ago and failed to do? How do we know this isn't the same futile attempt by just some other group of people?"

"Because these people are infused with this power, themselves. Apparently they're all descendants of ancient worshippers who lived alongside Groudon and Kyogre. If either of them were to gain full control, they could either drown the world or eliminate all sources of water. Regardless of the outcome, many people would die from it. And I wouldn't be willing to bet these people would survive much longer after that either. They're humans too, whether they have powers or not."

Vincent hands the phone back to James. "So we'd need to bring them to their senses and get them to see what would really happen."

James sighs and puts his phone away. "Easier said than done."

Larisa looks between the two and shifts a bit, having grown slightly uncomfortable from the awkward silence.

Then suddenly, there is a knock at the door, and the three turn to look, growing curious. Vincent gets up and walks towards it. "Who could this be..?"

James shrugs. "Room service, maybe."

"We had no requests. Unless you decided to order lunch. Which wouldn't surprise me."

James rolls his eyes and Vincent opens the door cautiously, looking out. Standing behind it, there is a man of average height wearing a grey cloak with the hood down. It would appear there is something around his neck, but whatever it is, it is tucked into his cloak so as not to be seen.

James sits up and looks at the man somewhat suspiciously. "Why does he look so familiar..."

The man looks at James, then back at Vincent, before speaking in a low tone. "I need to speak to you, Vincent... The Council sent me to contact you."

Vincent blinks in surprise and takes a step back. "The Spiritual Council? What would they need to send someone for?"

The man looks around, then walks into the room, pushing Vincent out of the way and then closing the door, looking back at him. "There's been a mistake. They won't give me any specific details, due to the classification of your tasks. But I'm asked to keep an eye on you two for the time being. So I'm going with you."

James sits back against the wall, eyeing the man. "If you'd ask me, I'd say the Council's gone goofy as of late. Nothing seems right anymore."

The man folds his arms and sighs. "There's been a lot of stress lately since you two took on your tasks. People simply can't handle it anymore. Even the Elder's will is starting to falter."

Vincent looks down, in thought. "Strange... I wonder what's going on there?" He then looks back at the man, beginning to recognize him. "You're... Lou, right? Lou Ethelstan."

He nods slowly. "Yes... I'm sure you remember, I only joined recently."

Vincent nods, then goes to sit down on his bed. "I do. If you don't mind, I need to ask a few things about what's happened recently."

Lou looks at him, then walks over to the desk and pulls out a chair to sit down. "Of course. I've nothing but time."

Vincent nods, and they proceed to discussing the current events of the Council to learn about everything that has gone on since Vincent came here. Their talk goes on until night, when they finally decide to go to sleep, having prepared for the following day, when they would finally arrive at Gateon Port...

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