Chapter 27: Trials And Companionship ~ A Trip Through Time

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"He's finally passed into the Dusk Realm. So now it begins..."

James gets to his feet, staring down over a desolate, silent valley from atop a stone cliff. His pale green eyes scan the lifeless, grey, still land, his face emotionless, as though he'd lost the sense of amusement he'd gotten out of toying with Vincent as he had before.

"It's about time we've settled this. I'll be waiting for you, Vincent."

- - - - -

Dusk Forest.

Well known as the closest place to Temporal Tower, where the once highly regarded deity of Time stood watch over the realm. A place which had been protected by Celebi for many an eon.

Now, Time comes to a standstill, and the delicate balance of nature which had been forever preserved has been broken, driving the entire world into ruin. Lands which had been looked to as sacred, spoken of in legends and stories of old, now stand on the shoulders of an ever-decaying world.

This is what Dusk Forest has become, in its frozen state, blanketed in a perpetual fog and suspended in a dreary silence for as long as anyone can remember. But after several years, what many had long lost and only a few had dreamed to find has been brought to the pokemon which have now gathered around the hill overlooking the forest...a word that, for the longest time, was thought to be only an idea of the desperate and crazy.


It is for this realization that many have come to witness the first beacon of light to shine down onto the dark world and illuminate the lifeless sky, even if only for a short time. It is a sight that some have seen for just the first time in their lives, and one which had been a distant memory to many others.

As the luminous pillar stands over the high hilltop, the pokemon gaze upon its radiance for a moment, one which seems to be almost forever. The light can be seen for miles across the forest by all who inhabit it. But almost as quickly as it appeared, it would be seen to disappear. The pillar becomes narrower until but a single flicker of light is left, then nothing.

In its place, standing atop the hill, are four people- four very unique beings of a race only spoken of in old legends among the pokemon of this world...humans. At least that is what they would appear to be. However, to the ones living here, they are four individuals who would open the gateway to an ever-fading world of life that so few have ever seen before.

Passing into a realm like this, Vincent knew what he had to be ready for. His companions, however, could never have been prepared for what they were coming to. As the four come to focus on their new surroundings, they can see across a dark and dreary forest spreading as far as the eye can see and blanketed in a thick fog which barely obscures the sight of the dead or dying plants which lie all around them. Frozen in time, it is a truly gut-wrenching sight to behold...and something that these pokemon have lived in for many years.

Vincent is silent. For all purposes of trying not to disturb anyone here with his presence, he tries not to make any sudden or suspicious actions. He's heard much of what the pokemon have become like from his visions of Grovyle- the one whom he must now find in order to do what he came for. He can't help but feel the eyes of what seem like thousands staring upon him, as if the whole world were watching him this very moment. It's an unnerving feeling, and one he would never be able to get used to.

He scans the area, not so much taking in the details but almost searching...trying to get an idea of where to start. He takes a few steps forward as his friend Raven watches him with curiosity. His sisters, Christina and Melissa, are both standing, at a loss of words for what they can see. Never before did they expect to come to a place like this, and it disturbs them to their very core.

Melissa motions forward and looks at her older brother, uttering in a quiet and mildly shaken voice, "What...did we just show up in?"

Vincent makes a quiet sigh in response, their voices seeming almost to sound across the world of utter silence. "This place is called Dusk Forest. Grovyle's told me this is the place he was born and grew up in, shortly after the world fell into paralysis. He's never seen the light of day, but he's heard of what it's like and has always wanted to see it."

Christina turns to face him as she folds her arms around herself, as if to cover from some subtle chill felt in the area. "You've mentioned him before but you never said who he is. Why's he so significant?"

"It's because he's one of the few in this world who've chose to take action. You see, there's a group of pokemon here who've devoted everything in their power to restoring this world. A planetary investigation team formed to find out what happened and how to fix it. Grovyle is one among them who's worked alongside a Celebi for this cause. I believe they're around here, looking for us."

Melissa shifts a bit. She seems somewhat discomforted by the thought of talking to two pokemon she's never met before- as if talking to pokemon in general wasn't awkward enough. She's been used to being around Larisa and Lasuno for some time, but she's never met another pokemon who could communicate the same way with people, other than Cereos. Now, however, she's come to a world where perhaps every living being is a pokemon, and can talk.

She scans the area with growing tension, moving closer to her siblings as if seeking comfort. "So...we just wait, then?"

Vincent appears to be focusing intently on his surroundings, listening for anything to break the silence of the forest. A moment later, Christina nudges his arm and points off into the dark woods, where he shifts his attention to see something small emerging from them- a tiny flying pokemon of a pinkish hue which easily stands out among the dull gray of the area.

He eyes her for a moment, seeming somewhat surprised to see her and he takes a few steps forward. "You're..." He examines the little fairy pokemon more closely as she stops just a few yards from him. He then shakes his head slowly. "No, you're not the same one. I knew a Celebi from Earthrealm. She was trapped in the otherside by Dialga. You're not her...are you?"

The Celebi shakes her head. "No... But I know who you're referring to. I've had visions of her as well as you."

Vincent falls silent for several moments, before he returns to scanning the area. "Where's Grovyle? Wasn't he with you?"

The smaller pokemon nods with a faint smile, turning around towards the woods behind her, where another pokemon is seen to walk out. He is a familiar sight to Vincent, and is completely silent with every step he takes. He has a serious look which expresses his great focus on the task he's set out to do years ago. As he sees Vincent, he slows to a stop and stares at him intently. His expression seems to lift only slightly at the sight of the person he's been wanting to meet for so long.


After a short moment of the two staring at each other, Vincent steps forward to the Grovyle. He holds his hand out and for a time, the grass pokemon eyes it with mild confusion. He seems not to be accustomed to physical contact of any kind, which wouldn't have been surprising due to the hostile nature the pokemon in this world have taken on. Almost reluctantly, he stretches out his arm and places his smaller paw against Vincent's hand, perhaps one of the very rare displays of companionship he's made.

Vincent smiles to him reassuringly. "It's good to finally meet you."

The Grovyle nods slowly and then pulls his paw back, glancing at Celebi, who smiles to him. He then turns his attention to the others, eyeing them with slight suspicion.

In response, Vincent makes a glance back at them before giving a nod. "This is my family. They wanted to help so I agreed to bring them here with me. If we're going to have any luck of fixing this, we'll need all the support we can get."

The smaller gecko pokemon folds his arms and gives a small nod to them, and Melissa waves to him awkwardly, trying to make the most of this meeting. He then looks back at Celebi.

"We don't have much time. We have to make haste if we're to go back in time unnoticed."
The little fairy pokemon sighs and shakes her head in mild exasperation before turning to fly towards the east. "So serious..."

Grovyle eyes her for a moment before making a quiet grunt and following, the others doing the same. The group wanders up the hill a short while, eventually reaching an open area where only a stone pillar stands. On the south side of the pillar appears to be the carving of an archway, standing eight feet in height and six feet in width. Around the archway are small symbols of intricate design that which is unfamiliar to Melissa, Christina and Raven. But to Vincent, who has been of the Spiritual Council for some time, they are much more recognizable.

Celebi approaches the engraving, staring at it for a moment, before looking back at Vincent.

"...You know what this is, don't you?"

He nods slowly, stepping up to the pillar to look the design over in a bit more detail. "The Passage of Time. The Spiritual Council has many documents about the realms- this one in particular. This pillar dates thousands of years and was made by those who lived here in ancient times. This place was once the home of many pokemon...and people, who lived under the watchful eyes of the deity of Time, Dialga. But after committing severe crimes, they were cast out and this place was sealed in a rift in time. The pokemon who live here now are the descendants of those who remained."

The others look at Vincent as he continues. "The Flare Continent in Earthrealm is also sealed, but due to the way things are now, that seal faded and now these two places have appeared again. But this design remains, only to be used to travel back into the distant past by one pokemon..."

He looks at the small, pink pokemon. "...Celebi."

Christina blinks in response and chimes in. "But I thought Celebi could travel through time by themselves."

The little fairy pokemon nods to her, turning to face the group from on front of the design. "Normally, yes. But due to the nature of this place, I can only travel short lengths. In order to go further, I must use the Passage of Time."

Grovyle steps up, eyeing the design and then looking back at the others. "That is what we will be doing now. We will be going back into the past, to before the planet was paralyzed."

Christina nods slowly and shifts a bit. "Right..."

The gecko pokemon turns back to Celebi, nodding to her. She then hovers forward and turns to face the design. "Stay back. I will open the Passage of Time now. This will take you back approximately sixteen years."

Christina stammers in surprise. "Sixteen years? But the world was only frozen recently, wasn't it?"

Vincent shakes his head. "Earthrealm, yes... But this world? It's been in this state for a long time. It's only recently shown adverse effects on our world, since the Flare Continent was exposed. With each passing moment, more of our world becomes frozen. Eventually, it will face the same fate as this world."

Celebi nods slowly. "Unless we do something..." She then closes her eyes and moves her paws together. After a moment, she begins to glow, and then waves her arms out, causing the design to light up. After a short time, it flashes brightly and and a wave of pressure is released throughout the area, as though time were being distorted as a spiraling, blue vortex appears inside the archway.

Vincent winces and shakes his head, before getting an ominous feeling. He clenches his fist for just a moment, noticeable by Christina, who stares at him.

"...You just saw something."

He glances at her without a word, and she takes a step over to his side. "I've seen it long enough to know."

Grovyle eyes him briefly. "Dimensional Scream."

Vincent shakes his head and looks over to the Passage of Time. "We need to go. Grovyle was right, we're being followed."

Christina stares at him for a short time, but knows better by now than to prolong their stay by asking questions. So instead, she just gives a small nod and looks back at the vortex in front of them. Celebi hovers to the side and looks at Grovyle.

"I'll remain here. It's my duty to protect this place, so you will have to go on your own."

The green pokemon nods to her and steps forward. "Are you guys ready?"

The others approach him, Vincent glancing around the area. "Let's go."

Grovyle glances back at Celebi with a nod. "Farewell. Let's see that this is fixed." On that, he takes a stance, and runs forward into the vortex, disappearing into it. Christina, Melissa and Raven stare at it, each of them just as apprehensive as the other. But soon, they get a grip on their nerves and, one after another, run into the passage. Vincent is the last one to step up, eyeing the passage before stopping in his tracks. He looks back over his shoulder a moment, then back at Celebi. "When I go, close the Passage and hide... This place is not safe, even for you."

She nods in response and makes a small smile. "I know, Vincent. Just go with your family. I will be fine."

He looks back at the Passage, stepping back a bit before running forward and jumping into it. Immediately after, the Passage is sealed by Celebi's power, and she disappears from sight, leaving the place in silence once more.

But one person soon comes out of hiding- cloaked in black and staring over the pillar with pale green eyes lacking any expression except for the slightest glint of resentment... James makes a quiet grunt. "I'll see you there, Vincent..."

- - - - -

"What...have you done to them? How did you get here? ...No, this isn't how it was meant to be! Leave me alone!"


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