Chapter 24: Emotional Sentiment

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"William? I need to speak to you. A matter has come up, involving James. I can't come to anyone else about this."

"...Right. I will be there momentarily."

- - - - -

"Hector. Come here, please."

Hector turns from the computer monitor to look at Jack, who is walking out of the other room, holding something in his hand. He eyes him curiously, before getting up to walk over to him. Jack appears to be tense and exhausted, but is looking at him with a serious and stern expression.

"...Hey, man. You should really get some sleep. You're-"

Jack shakes his head. "I'll be fine, Hector... I need to give you something."

Hector folds his arms, staring at Jack with a concerned look, and he holds out an electronic stick to him. Hector furrows his brows and looks at it for a moment before taking it.

"...What's this?"

"It contains personal files and access to all my credentials, including the master pass to ATHER's data files and my savings account. I intended to give these to James before all this happened, but seeing as how things are how they are, I figure you're the better person to take it."

Hector looks back at Jack in disbelief at what he's saying.

"...ATHER is uploaded to a secure server stored in the technological city of LaRousse in the Hoenn region. With that, you can gain complete control over it and use it, modify it to your own preference. ATHER belongs to you now, as well as all of my belongings at my home in Cianwood. I hope you'll find better use for them than I could've."

Hector lowers his arm and stares at him, getting a sinking feeling within him. "Why are you doing this..?"

Jack sighs and walks past him, rubbing his forehead with his hand. "Look, Hector... There's something I need to do. I may or may not survive it to see what success you make of this, but it's something I've been holding off for a while."

Hector turns back to him as he looks up at the ceiling.

"...You were right. I can't avoid this. This hellish burden is mine to bear, whether I like it or not. My brother told me once what he was like before. How he was overcome by something so cruel, it drove him to killing countless in cold blood. It disgusted him, so he stepped up and did something about it."

Jack folds his arms and looks down at the ground for a moment.

"He accepted what needed to be done, even though it took his life. He didn't run from his fate. Now, I look like a coward, sitting here in denial. Not shedding the slightest care for what's been happening right in front of me all this time. The things that happened last month set me back. I didn't want to accept it. I kept telling myself it wasn't real. And all the while, James has been out there, being tormented by this emotional sentiment. I have to do something about it."

Hector stares at him for a while, and then walks over to his side, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Hey... If you do happen to make it out of this, you can always come find me. I won't abandon you, alright?"

Jack closes his eyes and makes a small scoff. "You're a great friend. I've been such a prick to you. I just hope you'll make it alright."

Hector looks at the stick for a moment, then puts it in his pocket. "I'll make ATHER into something amazing. Just you wait."

Jack smiles a bit and turns back to Hector, patting his shoulder and then walking off. "The hoverbike's outside. Try to make it back to land in one piece."

Hector blinks and looks back at him with a grumble. "Always assuming the worst..."

Jack smirks and looks back at him. "Well... You'll be alright. I'll see you around, Hector."

He nods slowly and steps back. "You'd better. I'll find you and smack you if you don't."

Jack scoffs and walks away, and Hector watches him for a second, before turning off and walking out of the factory. As the door shuts behind him, Jack stops and looks down with a deep sigh. Many thoughts run through his head at what's to come, and it only makes him more tense at the idea of confronting his fate.

- - - - -

Vincent overlooks the desert as he flies along on Eriah's back, while holding onto Serenity to keep her from falling. It's clear that the Ninetales has grown more comfortable around him over the past couple days they've been traveling, which makes Vincent feel a little happy about his new friend.

As they fly, Vincent is intently scanning the area for anything that might appear off to him. Any signs of something that shouldn't be there. But after a while, he begins to wonder if he'll find anything at all. It is then that he feels his phone in his pocket vibrate. He blinks, becoming curious suddenly as he taps Eriah's back for her to land.

The black dragon glances back at him and then descends into the desert below to land in the open area. Vincent releases Serenity and jumps down before reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone.

"Sorry... It's just that I never get any messages from anyone. If I'm getting one now, something must be up."

The two watch him as he opens up the message, and the person it's from immediately grabs his attention. "...It's Jack. He never contacts me, unless it's about James, and that hasn't happened since before we left their hometown to come here."

Serenity tilts her head curiously. The situation is obscure to her, but she seems to understand enough to wonder. "Well..?"

"He wants me to go meet him in his factory... He says it's urgent that he speak to me in person."

Eriah shifts a bit and Serenity blinks, holding onto her as the dragon moves towards Vincent. "Where is it?"

"He sent me a navigation link. It's on an island about twenty-five miles off the coast of Cianwood in the Johto region. It'll take a few hours to get there from here."

Eriah nods slowly. "If that's where you need to go, I'll take you there."

Vincent puts his phone back in his pocket and looks back at her. "I can't imagine what he'd want to talk about... He's been avoiding me ever since James turned."

Serenity moves over to Eriah's side and looks down at him. "Maybe we should go see what he wants?"

He nods and then goes over to Eriah, and Serenity moves back as he climbs up onto her. "Let's go."

The black dragon spreads her wings and then takes off once more, this time flying off towards the Johto region and leaving Orre behind them.

Over the course of the flight, Vincent becomes increasingly anxious about what Jack has to see him for. It only takes a few hours before they reach the Johto region, and Cianwood as the first island they come across.

The last time Vincent was here, it was a brief visit and he only got a glimpse of the area from the dock. This time, as he flies over it, he glances down at the seemingly quiet and peaceful town not unlike his own hometown of Pallet. Seeing it, he begins to think of the events which transpired only a few months ago.

It's as it he were traveling backwards in time...leaving the deserts of Orre and coming back to Cianwood. His thoughts lead him further to traveling the region of Johto once more before returning him home to Pallet. This makes him almost clutch Eriah's neck out of longing to be back home. But he knows well that his home is long gone. It makes him wonder if what happened was the turning point for his family which started to pull them apart.

Serenity, sensing his tension, lightly nudges his side with her nose and he quickly comes to his senses, before looking over at the smaller fox pokemon. He notices her look of concern, and lets out a small sigh before reaching a hand up to pet her head.

"I'm sorry. A lot's happened before and coming here made me think about how quickly things went by."

The Ninetales nods and utters a quiet sound to his pettings, leaning into his side. "If you want to talk about it sometime, I'm here."

Vincent smiles a little and nods to her, then looks back at the town below. He then looks off towards the west, catching the sight of a much smaller island a distance away. He then pats Eriah's neck.

"I think that's it, over there."

The black dragon nods her head, having already picked it up shortly beforehand, and turns off towards it. Vincent stares at the island almost intently as they approach it. Coming closer, he begins to notice a large building standing on it, accompanied by a few smaller buildings which he can only guess to be storage shacks of sorts. There are various vehicles sitting around the large factory, and many tall windmills standing in rows across the island. These would clearly be used to power the factory not too differently than the windmill and solar panels used to provide power to Vincent's own home.

As they come over the island, Eriah lowers down to it and Vincent speaks in a low tone. "We'll need to be careful here. I get the feeling this won't be the best meeting. I'll have to go in alone... Can you two wait for me out here?"

Serenity glances back at him and then nods slowly. "Alright... Just come out as soon as you can."

He nods in return before Eriah lands just outside the facility. Upon touching the ground, they hear the starting of various machines nearby and look around. Vincent jumps down and takes several steps forward, examining the area. He then turns back to Eriah and Serenity.

"...He must have some security here. Guessing from what James has said, his computer already knows we're here. Try not to make any sudden movements and you should be okay."

Eriah nods back to him and Serenity moves to lie down on her back, growing somewhat nervous. Vincent walks towards the factory, soon being stopped just outside the door by ATHER's voice.

"Scanning for material signature." A small laser shines down his body, then back up before disappearing. "ATHER unit Version 1.3 detected, profile identified. Welcome, Vincent Verona."

Vincent blinks and reaches into his pocket to pull out his phone, seeing the small LED on it flickering white for a few seconds. He then looks back to the door to see it open to him. "...Interesting."

Cautiously, he steps towards it before looking back at the two and nodding to them. He then goes inside, expecting what one would normally hear in a factory such as this, with many machines running at almost deafening levels. But surprisingly, it's rather quiet now. As he walks through the open room, he looks around to see that most of the machines are actually turned off, and it's become so quiet that he can hear his own footsteps echoing throughout the area. It's almost eerie to be in such a place, and after a short while, his attention is directed to ATHER's voice over the speakers.

"Jack is thirty meters left of you."

Vincent stops and turns in the direction, spotting the lights over a distant spot flickering before going to normal. He eyes them for a moment, then runs over to the area.

As he approaches, he comes around a shelf to see Jack sitting down with his back against it, looking rather stressed. He comes to his site and kneels down as Jack looks over at him.


He sighs and rubs his face with a hand, before speaking in a quiet voice, nothing like the confident and strong tone he normally has. "What took you so long?"

Vincent shakes his head. "I got here as fast as I could. What...happened to you?"

Jack lets out a halfhearted scoff. "Yeah. About that. Vincent, my brother's been tormenting me for months, on and off."

Vincent furrows a brow at this and moves in front of him. "What do you mean?"

"Ever since what happened, he's become...this crazy, manipulative person. He's not the James I know anymore. He keeps coming, trying to convince me to help him, but I keep refusing. I don't know how much longer I can take this. Hell, I even changed ATHER's security, hoping he would just go away but that didn't work."

"Help him with what? What's he trying to do?"

Jack lets out a light breath and looks up at him. "He's trying to take you out. Make you fail your task, and he wants to make your family suffer as well. I just had to send Hector away to keep him from getting involved."

"You're saying Hector was here?"

He nods slowly. "Just a few hours ago. I had to go get him when that ship sank, and he stayed here a while. I just gave him all of my things because I didn't know if I'd make it out of this alive."

Vincent looks down. He takes some comfort in knowing that his brother's okay, but is further disturbed by what Jack is saying. He looks back at him and puts his hand on his shoulder.

"Look, Jack. I'm trying the best I can to help James."

Jack makes a small chuckle and looks off. "Yeah... I've heard that before."

Vincent stares at him and then backs up as he pulls himself to his feet. He then stands up catching him when he staggers.

"Vincent. I don't know if he can be helped. The last time this happened, he had to kill himself to get out of it. What do you think is gonna happen this time? You think it's any different? That this emotional sentiment is just gonna grow old and go away just like that?"

Vincent sighs and shakes his head. He's been thinking about this for some time, and while he dreads the thought, he believes Jack may be right. But another voice catches his attention- one which he remembers so well and causes not only him, but Jack as well, to grow immediately tense.

"Wouldn't that be something? Yes, let's wait for James to grow old and maybe he'll retire and go off to live the rest of his life peacefully on a beach."

Jack reflexively reaches back and grabs a wrench off his shelf, then tosses it at James, who is standing just a few feet behind Vincent and smacks it away with a hand cloaked in black energy. He then smirks in response and Vincent eyes him coldly.

"...Welcome to the party, Vincent. I wasn't planning to have you two together, but not all goes as well as one expects, does it?"

"Shut it, James..." Vincent turns away from him and takes several steps away.

"Oh... It burns you so much, does it? The idea that you nearly got killed twice by your best friend. What happened to your skills, huh? I thought you were the best of the best in that helpless Council."

Jack looks over at Vincent. "Don't let him get in your head. Trust me, that's not a road you want to take."

Vincent clenches his fists as James goes on, his tone growing more aggressive with each attack.

"I thought you were such a great asset that they even wanted to make you Elite Messanger just to praise you, but you were too modest to accept such a title. But where is that strength now? What's become of the so highly regarded Vincent? Can't even finish his task because he doesn't have the will to accept what's to come."

Vincent growls lowly and James draws back just enough to settle down a bit. He then scoffs. "...Just like before. And your family will suffer from it all over again. Emotional sentiment..."

Vincent turns back to him with a fierce glare, as if he were about to lash out at him. But as though clinging to every fiber of his will, he holds back. Jack then eyes James and folds his arms.

"Emotional sentiment. Is that right?"

James shifts his gaze back to Jack and raises a brow in slight confusion.

"...Vincent. Please go, I need to have a private chat with my brother."

Vincent blinks and looks over at him, and he motions to him to leave.

"Are you serious? You won't last much more of this, Jack. You know full well-"

"Can it and get out, Vincent. This is between me and James."

Vincent stares at him for a moment, then growls before looking back at James, then turning and going off. After several moments, the two hear ATHER's voice announcing that Vincent has left. Jack then turns back to James, who is eyeing him with suspicion.

"Alright, brother. I see how this is."

"What?" James' tone is low and quiet, as he is failing to understand what Jack is saying. It would seem almost for a moment that the person under the dark and twisted mask is showing himself, but it's obvious that the true James is still buried deep inside.

"You keep saying that everyone's actions are drawn by emotions. It's a powerful sentiment, and it would be stupid to underestimate it. But what about you? How far do your emotions take you, James?"

James furrows his brows and watches as Jack walks by him. "What are you talking about...?"

"It's a paradox. One acts based on emotions, contrary to all logic and everything they believe. One single tick blows it all out of proportion. What makes you tick? What happens when you become overwhelmed? Do you repress your emotions and keep going? Or does a side of you show that...not many have seen before?"

James stares at him intently. He isn't saying anything, but he is clearly becoming concerned. Jack turns back to him with almost an intimidating look which makes James take a step back.

"ATHER... Arm all the generators. Prepare for a selfdestruct sequence and seal all exits. Begin the countdown."

James' eyes grow wide and he starts towards Jack. "No, you idiot!" He takes use of his Speedster ability to rush him. But Jack immediately grabs a knife from the open toolbox on the shelf and throws it at him.

James comes to an abrupt stop, staring at Jack with a somewhat shocked expression as he has the knife stuck in his arm. Jack then takes a few steps back and makes a small scoff.

"Not fast enough this time, brother..."

James growls and reaches for the knife, ripping it out of his arm as blood drips onto the floor. He then glares at Jack, clutching the knife with a look of anger as if he were ready to stab him. And Jack simply stares at the knife, then over at his wounded arm.

"Emotional sentiment... Makes you bleed just like the rest of us."

James throws the knife on the floor, causing the blade to snap from the handle before he clutches his arm. Jack folds his arms and he then fades off into dark energy.

Shortly afterwards, Jack shuts his eyes tightly and tenses up as all the generators around the factory set off alert sounds.

Outside, Vincent is sitting on the ground next to Eriah, when he feels his phone vibrate suddenly. He blinks and pulls it out, seeing a message from Jack, saying three simple words. "Get out, now."

He stares at it for a moment before ATHER's voice is heard over the loudspeaker.

"Evacuate immediately, the area will selfdestruct in thirty seconds."

Vincent jumps up and looks around as alert sounds are heard all over the island. Tremers can be felt in the ground and he clutches his phone. "Dammit! He's blowing the place up!"

Serenity climbs over Eriah's back and looks down at him. "What!?"

He growls and puts his phone in his pocket, before looking at her. "What's he thinking? Is he running away?"

Eriah lowers herself to the ground and Vincent then jumps onto her back. He looks over at the factory and shakes his head. "Damn you, Jack..."

He then pats Eriah's back and she takes off into the sky as ATHER counts down from ten. The tremers become more violent with each passing second, and on zero, all the generators in the area light up, and the building them releases a powerful white explosion, sending shockwaves throughout the area and nearly knocking Eriah out of the sky. The explosion rocks the island and causes fissures to crack open all over, destroying a large portion of the island and sinking much of it into the ocean. As a result, large waves are sent across the water, expanding out over the surrounding area.

As Vincent, Eriah and Serenity recollect themselves, they look to see what's left of the island reduced to large chunks of rubble and scraps of machines that were blown apart. But what then draws their attention is the large wave rushing towards Cianwood. They have no time to act on it as water floods across the beach and rushes inland to the town.

Vincent looks in shock at the scene and then taps Eriah frantically, and she flies towards the island quickly. As they approach it, they hear sirens going off all over the town and see helicopters flying around. The outer portion of the town in the way of the wave was flooded by water, although the damage isn't as bad as Vincent expected. Still, he clutches Eriah as he looks down at the scene.

But soon, he sees several helicopters coming towards them. Eriah snorts as the flying vehicles surround them and several people stand at the doors, pointing weapons at them. Someone calls over a loudspeaker, "Hold it right there! Do not make any sudden movements or we will be forced to take immediate action!"

Vincent looks around at them, holding onto Eriah. "They think we caused this...?"

Eriah growls lightly. "We sort of did..."

"We can't be here."

Eriah snorts and flaps her wings to fly off, and the person over the loudspeaker shouts, "Hey, freeze!" just as they open fire.

Although, as if following their command, a gust of wind blows across the area and the bullets slow down. Eriah tenses up and then instinctively, she roars out and the Sylverstone on her chest shines brightly. She, Vincent and Serenity then glow blue as the surrounding area suddenly comes to a complete halt. The helicopters are suspended in the air, their rotors not even moving. The bullets that were fired have ceased movements, and the town below has become utterly quiet. The waves have stopped and all activity is stopped entirely.

Vincent blinks and looks around as the three stop glowing, and is dumbfounded by what he now sees. "Eriah...? What did you just do?"

Eriah growls lowly. "This wasn't my doing... It's just what I was hoping wouldn't come to happen. Dialga's entering a greater primordial stage. Time is beginning to lose stability and cease."

Vincent tenses at that and looks at her. "You can't be serious..."

Shortly, he hears a call of his name in the distance. He looks in surprise as he sees Aerthos, Sierra, Larisa and Lasuno flying towards them. With them are Christina, Melissa, Raven and Umbros, and Christina is waving frantically at Vincent.

"Guys, what are you doing here?"

As they reach them, Christina shouts out to Vincent, "Look, we got a problem! This isn't the only place that's frozen!"

Eriah shoots a glare at her from what she says, and Vincent stares at her in bafflement.

"We just went to Mauville and when we got there, the whole city was at a standstill. Nothing is moving. We decided to leave and look for you, and there are other places that are affected too."

Vincent shakes his head. "It's happening already..."

Eriah snorts. "We need to go see Dialga."

Vincent jerks his head to her. "Wait, what? Eriah, he won't listen to us if he's this far gone. He may even attack you."

"He won't. He's focused intently on survival. Attacking me would put himself at risk. He won't do it."

Vincent clutches her and then Serenity noses his side. He looks down at her to see a slightly worried look on her.

"Hey...Vincent. I don't know what's happening but she's right. If something's not done, this'll only get worse."

Christina nods slowly, albeit somewhat surprised at the sight of the Ninetales. However, her mind is focused on the subject to ask questions.

"We have to do something. We'll go with you."

Eriah looks at her. "I cannot risk putting you at harm. When we get to the island, you must stay at the shore. Admittedly you'd be safer out here even if it means you're frozen as well, but Vincent still needs your help."

Vincent looks at Christina and she stares at him with a determined look.

"Please, Christina. Trust us."

She sighs and slowly nods. "Alright... But don't get yourself hurt. We'll be waiting for you."

Vincent nods and looks at Eriah. "Let's go."

The black dragon flaps her wings and then takes off towards the north, and the others follow her as fast as they can. Eriah is determined to reach the Flare Continent and Dialga before things get worse.

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