Chapter 8. Two shoulders to lean on.

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Basically, I ran all the way from the cove, back into the village and I didn't stop until I had made it into my brothers room. I heaved a sigh of relief as I slid down the closed door, my butt hit the floor with a thump.

"And where did you go in such a hurry earlier?" Howard questioned. He placed his notepad down on the desk and spun around on the stool to face me. Hayden sat up on his bed and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I uh..needed air." I lied.

"Why?" Hayden asked, he crossed his arms over his chest and cocked an eyebrow.

"Because humans need oxygen to breathe and I obviously felt as if I wasn't getting enough." I retorted sarcastically. Howard chuckled lightly but Hayden just glared at me. "So what have you guys been up to today then?" I squeaked, trying to avert the attention away from me. Quickly, I stood up and plopped down on the end of Howard's empty bed.

Hayden's face turned bright red whereas Howard's face cracked into a massive grin.

"Well," Howard began, "Raisa and I went out on Blade and well...she and I are-" Howard was suddenly cut off by Hayden.

"Are what?!" Hayden wondered enthusiastically, I guess i'm not the only one who thought Howard and Raisa should be together.

"Courting-engaged-together..I'm not sure but we are definitely together!" Howard announced.

"YES I KNEW IT!" Suddenly, Hayden and I screamed in unison. "Wait! You thought so too?! NO WAY!" We cried at the same time. Howard began laughing hysterically.

"I couldn't imagine becoming king without her so I guess...I just sorta..."

"Asked her to marry you..?" I exclaimed. Howard nodded, the big grin still stuck to his glowing face.

"Awe, our big brother by ten and thirteen minutes is all grown up!" Hayden sniffed dramatically.

"So, what about your day, Hayden?" Howard's lips coiled into a thin smirk. Wait, am I missing something?

"What's going on?" I chuckled awkwardly. Hayden bowed his head in embarrassment.

"Hayden was rejected by Kaiya Hofferson." Howard blurted. He began to laugh again, so much that he nearly fell off the stool.

"Really?" I muttered in disbelief. "Hayd, you should have know she would reject you!" I pointed out. Hayden remained silent but nodded his head. Quickly, I got up and padded over to his bed and gave him a hug. "You like her don't you?" I whispered.

"A lot actually." He replied quietly. I sat down beside him and shot Howard a glare, silencing him laughter.

"Be quiet Howard, Hayden is a bit...sensitive right now." I muttered at him. Howard's mouth formed an 'O' shape in recognition, he sauntered over to his own bed and plopped down.

"Enough about us, what did you get up to today? I saw you glare at Gael at dinner, something must have happened." Howard observed. My shoulders dropped at the thought of Gael, for most of our lives he doesn't talk to me, then he does and he's a total jerk and then the next thing you know! He's flying me from island to island and being a big softy!

"W-we just talked and that was it." I stammered. Hayden turned to face me, I could tell he didn't believe a word I said.

"You're not a very good liar..." Howard noted.

"I'd prefer not to talk about it yet." I protested. My brothers nodded understandingly.

"Just know, that you have two shoulders to lean on, El." Hayden smiled as he pointed to himself and Howard. Howard nodded eagerly in agreement.

"Thanks guys, I'm heading to bed now, it's late." With that I hugged them both goodnight and left for my own room next door.


There was a Terrible Terror on my bed, needless to say the little bugger took me by surprise.

"How did you get in here?" I groaned, my window wasn't open and the door was shut so I couldn't figure out how it got in. It made a little squeak before standing up and scuttling off of my pillow.

I changed out of my day clothes and put on a linen night dress before sitting down on my bed with a yawn. I stared at the small dragon for a moment, it stared back, its forked tongue licked one of its eye balls. "You're a weirdo." I muttered. Slowly, I lay my aching body down onto my bed, the terror crawled up to me and curled up beside me chest. "Yeah...goodnight." I yawned again.

It didn't take long for me to fall into a deep sleep.


When I woke up, I didn't expect for it to be the crack of dawn. The Terrible Terror that had fallen asleep beside me was now up and scratching at the door.

"Time to get up Eliza! We've got a lot to get through today!" Grandpa Stoick bellowed from the other side of the door.

Oh great.

"I'll be a few minutes." I croaked, sleep coating my voice. Rapidly, I opened my window to let the terror fly out then I got changed and rinsed my face with a damp cloth. This evening, I was definitely going back to the cove to see that dragon.


Wow, two chapters in one day! xD

This was a bit of a filler but I wanted to show the relationship Eliza has with her brothers!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

-Lauren xxx

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