Chapter 31. To the Southern skies.

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Hours upon hours was how long Gael and I had been flying for. In this time I had had some time to reflect on several things.

1) We had been away from home for a number of days now.
2) My idiot brothers had gone and gotten themselves lost...or worse killed.
3) If they hadn't gotten themselves killed, Mum would take care of it.

Silver Storm had flown South away from the island and there was no sign of Howard and Hayden anywhere!

"You OK back there?" Gael called back, his eyes were still focused on flying the dragon.

"Fantastic!" I groaned in response. Gael's body shook as he laughed at my sarcastic tone, I was probably sounding a lot like my Dad at the moment. "We aren't far from Berk, do you think we could go back and collect Eclipse, we could cover more ground then."

"Shouldn't we tell the others?"

"Gael, we are miles away from them now, Eclipse is our best chance."

"Ok. Let's go."
Pacing the length of the cove, Hiccup scratched at his bearded chin in thought. Nearby, Merida was perched on a boulder admiring a new set of arrows she'd picked up from the Forge. Across from her Eclipse was sitting back on her hind legs watching the first haired woman with deep interest.

"So. Darling." Merida muttered awkwardly, not taking her eyes away from the arrows. "If I look at this dragon it won't kill me right?" The queen of Scotland was saying this as she had literally met the rare dragon three minutes before. Merida had read about the terrifying rumours of what a Night Trance was capable of and she certainly hoped that the legends weren't true.

"No, from what I've experienced Eclipse is very docile." Hiccup returned, still pacing.

"Oh it has a name." She shuddered. "Hiccup, why are we here and where the hell did this dragon come from?!" Merida suddenly burst out, sliding off of the bolder she marched over to the shimmering purple and black dragon, flailing her arms in frustration. Coming to a standstill Hiccup abruptly remembered that Merida had in fact never met their daughter's dragon, nor did Merida know it was even Eliza's dragon.

"Thor almighty. Mer, Eclipse is Eliza's dragon and said daughter is nowhere to be found along with our sons and their friends!" He paused for a breath and a quick glance at his wife's expression which was blank with confusion. "Have you not noticed that they've been missing for several days now?!"

"Calm yerself, the stress lines don't suit yer pretty face. I have noticed actually, but I thought that they were-" She was cut off as a dragon roar that didn't come from Eclipse or Toothless rippled through the cove. Their heads tilted up to reveal Silver Storm landing across the water. Gael hopped off shortly followed by Eliza.

"You're not dead!" Cried Hiccup as he ran over to his daughter. Dropping her arrows, Merida jogged after and joined in with the current hug.

Eventually, Eliza was able to pull back and address her parents. "Look there's little time to chat. We've come back for Eclipse, Howard and Hayden have gone missing. The gang has split up to look for them but we need to cover more ground and potentially have back up." Hurriedly, Eliza explained. Hiccup nodded firmly, a plan already formulating in his head. Eliza separated from her parents and beckoned Eclipse over, quite happily the dragon plodded over and lowered, allowing the young woman to mount her.

"Toothless and I are coming with you." Hiccup announced as he pulled himself up onto his Night Fury's saddle.

"I'll gather help here, Erett is probably involved with this. If he is we are going to need an army." Merida said. She turned to her husband and smiled softly. "Be safe yer idiot." She whispered as she grabbed a fistful of his tunic, pulling him down to level with hers.

He chuckled which came out more as a croak. "I can't make any promises Milady." With that he closed the gap between their faces, linking their lips in a tender kiss.

"I love ye."

"And I you." Hiccup replied. As he settled back into his saddle his expression turned hard. "Let's go Bud!"

I am so sorry I haven't updated in a million years, but here is kind of a filler chapter which sucks so fingers crossed I'll have something up soon to follow.

Lauren xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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