Chapter 6

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Well my father is a dick. He planned a run without his daughter, apparently to 'keep her safe' when she can perfectly handle herself and shoot with better accuracy. But no, she has to sit at home like a damsel in distress. Well, this damsel in distress is going to sit in her tower and sulk like the bitch she really is alone. Since he also took half of the club, my man and my brother. He even took some club whores, what even is this life anymore.

I was making my way to Reapers room when I thought about what my father told me this morning about my room being finished so I turned around and went there instead. Walking along the corridors I noticed that my wardrobe was being blocked by some big ass box that apparently had something fragile in it. I don't remember ordering anything this big, or anything fragile. I walked up to the box to check the label but noticed the box was covered in sellotape.

This reminded me of when Delilah would wrap my Christmas presents. After 10 minutes struggling I would bet my knife out and genteelly work my way through the sellotape along an edge. or I would slice off the corner when she wasn't looking just so she had the fun of watching me try and open the present that was always something extremely expensive and could have found somewhere else  in a couple months half the price.

I worked my knife into the seam of the box being careful since it was marked fragile for a reason. Finally getting all of the sellotape off it revealed a brown box with a layer of cling film wrapped around it.

My heart stopped.

Delilah had sent this to me.

After being so mad and aggravated that she lied to me that she hadn't done what she texted me and I hadn't even looked in the most simplest places, my bedroom, my sanctuary. I was mad over nothing, I feel hollow inside knowing that I had been so stupid and thought so little of a girl that was my all.

I took the cling film off to reveal a beautiful painting of the back of a girl with chocolate brown hair sitting on the back of a cherry red Harley. The painting was beautiful. I cut the duct tape off the top very carefully as not to disturb anything else that Delilah had painted, scribed, drawn or sculpted in or on the box, she loved surprises and loved surprising people. Inside of the box was rammed full of colourful things, I was hit with Delilah's perfume it brought a tear to my eye it was the first time since then that I had smelt that perfume. But most of all a white envelope caught my attention the most, I picked it up, and was instantly greeted with Delilah's big curvaceous handwriting, opening the envelope there were pages of writing.

It read...                                                                        

Dear Nixy,

                    Hey baby, how you doing?

I'm guessing not so well at the moment. I'm sorry for the pain I'm causing you. I know you didn't go to my funeral baby. I know why. I didn't want you to go either. I am a shell of my former self, the cancer is eating away my body, and I don't have long left to live anyway so as you probably know, I have decided to take my own life. I'm leaving behind your brother, you and many others. I know this seems selfish but this fight isn't one I'm not going to win, the cancer is inoperable and only going to cause everyone else more pain by watching me become unable to hear, unable to see, unable to communicate and unable to breathe.

I'm such a shell of my former self that I'm half of the 'rich, crazy bulimic girl' that you once knew and loved. I remember that time if it were yesterday, you saw me and took me under your wing, what you never knew is that you saved my life that day and you continued to do so every day from that day. You showed me that there was a heathier way to battle my demons and look kickass while doing so. God girl I love you so much please don't ever forget that.

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