Chapter 7

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It had been a month since the incident with Reaper and I still hadn't yet spoken to him, he looked like shit, he's drinking; he is also taking every task my dad gave him no matter what it is or what it entails. He is a mess, a hot one but still a mess all the same. And so am I. I've had night terrors most nights so my father has been sleeping on my sofa to try wake me up from them but it can be difficult at times. Reaper had been sleeping outside my door ever since the incident. I know he loves me but he also needs to know how much he's hurt me. He needs to know that what he did was wrong and should never happen again, he needs to know that what he did isn't OK and that it should never be repeated EVER again.

Stepping out of my room for the first time fully dressed and not just in a vest with the clubs logo on the front and some grey trackies, washed and feeling better about myself and not just functioning like a zombie since for the last two nights I have had no night terrors. This is much better than what I have been doing it has given me a chance to sleep and peacefully rest without the strain a night terror puts on your body. I have to be ready since I have a task to do and I have to do it no matter what, it has to be done this is what I thought until suddenly I was tugged into a hard chest. I knew who it was straight away; I have missed that smell; that warmth. My strong, independent resolve just crumbled out from underneath me from just being near the man that had caused my pain.

I just cried.

This man hurt me, but I still love him and I will never stop loving him. "You hurt me, you hurt me bad Reaper, not only did you fuck her which I know you didn't mean since you were spiked but you still did it, you were going to lie to me. That's what hurt me the most Reaper you were going to lie to the woman who you made your Old Lady! You said you loved me, you don't lie to the people you love Reaper. You tell them the truth no matter how much it is going to hurt them, you work through the pain and the hurt. But you took the coward's way out, you wanted to lie and ignore what you had done." He had to know what was going on in my head.

"Baby your right, I did take the coward's way out, but I swear I will never lie to you again. I will always tell you the truth no matter if it hurts. No matter if it's not what I want to hear or you want to hear I will always tell you. Kitten I have learned from my mistakes, I will never make that same mistake again, seeing what it has done to you makes me see what I could have missed out on. You are truly the one for me for now and the rest of my life. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you and trying to gain back your trust. All I ask for is that you give me the chance to make it up to you."

"You need to understand that right now I forgive you but I will not forget what you have done to me Reaper. It still hurts, so you are going to need to build that trust up because you have shattered your chance with me. You are going to need to pick up the pieces and make them fit back together before you even have the slightest chance of getting in my bed.

But the both of us need to woman up since I need to bring someone here; she's going to be my responsibility; she's going to rely on me.  My best friend who died a little while ago had a daughter, and she has named me as her guardian, we are going to pick her up today; and we are going to care for her until her father can sort somethings out in his life.

Reaper I am still your old lady that will never change, what will change is my location if you pull something like this again I won't stick around for you again. I need you to know this. Now I am ready to get back to normal. Are you?" I love this man and that's it I have to give him another shot, the drugs aren't an excuse but he has shown over the last month that he will do anything for me.

"Baby I have waited so long to hear those words come out of your mouth." He was staring at me with complete adoration in his eyes. "I swear to you if I am ever unfaithful to you again, you can shoot me anywhere you choose and there will be no restrictions. So this child you are guardian of, she's not just your responsibility she is mine as well, you and I we come as a team your responsibility is my responsibility and vice versa.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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