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Kants POV

"I hate you..."

I stood up quickly and panted a bit.I looked around to see the sun rising.Everything seem burry

Ah another nightmare

As I kept looking around I saw the time was 5:30.I groaned and plopped into the bed.Norio doesn't come back until 8

Hmp like I care...

Then as I was dozing off I stood up"I can take a walk!"I thought and changed into my clothes

I slid my hands into my black jacket then put on some shorts with a little chain hanging.I smiled my friend gave me this.I then brushed my hair down

Then walked out of the room and head to the yard.I'm still stuck at the hospital

The breeze felt good on my face"ah I haven't been outside much".I soon looked up."the days seem slow now,everyone seems busy now"

A hand slid on my shoulder I karate chop that person's arm quickly then flipped them on the ground onto their back.ah it's called reflects...don't judge me

I looked down to the person and saw him
My ex...

Ny heart stopped"this bastard,heartbreaker,player everything to describe him"I shook it off quickly

"What the hell Jake"I said glaring at him.i can't face him never.He brushed himself off and stood up"hehe nice to see you too"he replied with him smile

I shook my head"whatever you know I'll kill anyone who does that"I small chuckle came from his lips

"Still playing cute"he asked walking towards me.I clenched my fist and my eyes directed towards the ground"d-don't call me cute idiot"I noticed his feet right in front of me

He still had his goofy smiles on"hm your body still seems in good shape"he said.I grinder my teeth together"Stop it,I told you not to check me out anymore,or never"

"Hmm"i heard him say and saw his hand go on a wall.crap I forgot I was walking back...and into a wall."Kants ~don't be so mean please ~"

"Get your arm off the wall you bastard"I almost yelled and threw a punch at him.He catch it with his other hand.My eyes widened a bit"I know your tricks Kants,I mean I did date you for a year or two"

I growled"how the hell?!"I was trying to get my hand back"let go already"

"Kants I miss you,you know"My eyes darted to his face"I don't care you blew it,you player"He released my fist and wrapped his arms around me"hm still playing hard to get"a smirk grew on his face

I pushed his face away"Hey get away already!i told you I don't want you near me"God help me.Another chuckle came from him"Hm but I don't want to"

My throat started to throb"you already broke my heart I don't need you to do it again"my eyes sting

I can never go threw this guy

I noticed his arms weren't around me.I looked up quickly to see someone in front of me.A person I know


"N-Norio?"I asked looking from the back of his head.He stayed quiet and I noticed he was looking at Jack who looked like he tripped down

I shaked a bit"oh god I should've just told Jake I was married"I shook my head"no that wouldn't have made a difference".My eyes went to the direction to Jake as he was getting up

Jake's head went to Norio"hmp I see you have another boyfriend Kants"he said with a smirk.I blinked and looked down to Norio's hand.It was shaped as a fist

  "I'm sorry Kants hasn't told you that she's married?"My heart shattered"he's pissed"Jake stood quiet for a bit"hm no she hasn't

"I think you should leave"

Eh?!i just wanted to talk to Kants is that so bad?"

Norio looked up to him"if you wanted to talk to her then ask her husband"he said and grabbed my arm then walked pulling me with him.My eyes blinked a few times"

It got all silent when we got to the hospital

Hey guys I hoped you liked it^^
Oh oh if u can I would
like you to comment on what should happen~thanks

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