Dark Awakenings

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My eyes opened drowsily, a piercing pain in the side of my head. Darkness and metal engulfed me. Groaning, I realised I was trapped in a locker. Ramming my shoulder into the side of the locker, I managed to tip it on its side.
Ears twitching, I felt blood trickle from my nose. Kicking at the door, I managed to break it down after around five minutes and got out. My ears pinned back, my eyes widened, my heart raced.
I was in the middle of the Emerald Forest, surrounded by Ursai, Boarbatusks, Beowolves, two Deathstalkers, a Nevermore and a King Tajit.
"Fantastic..." I muttered to myself, wishing I hadn't left Shadefang in my bag. Bringing out my scroll, I went to summon my locker containing my bag, when a Deathstalker sting stabbed through the scroll, missing my throat by millimetres. I gulped.
'Okay...' I thought. 'I have no weapon so I have one of two options. Either stay here and die or run.' I chose the latter.
Sprinting as fast as possible, I ran past the Grimm, who proceeded to chase after me. Ursai roared in my ears. I jumped over a log, yelping as the paw of an Ursa slammed me into a tree. Groaning, I started to push myself up off of the ground. The Nevermore loomed above, it's dark feathers blocking the sun.
With one flap of it's wings, it fired a few feathers at me, the javelin like tips piercing my arm, pinning it against the tree. Trying to free my arm, I yelped as a sharp pain penetrated my leg. Looking down, I saw the sting of a Deathstalker in my leg, piercing through the bone. Blood trickled from both wounds, it's sweet scent hitting my nostrils. As I hungered for blood, part of my semblance activated, an intolerable bloodlust washing over me.
My ears twitched. An insane grin grew on my face. My nails grew into claws. A muzzle began to painfully form. My teeth were forced out of my guns, fa gas pushing through to take their place. Snowy white fur poked through my flesh. The bones in my body slowly and painfully morphed and warped. After a few moments, I stood in my beowolf form, though instead of being jet black, my fur was white as fresh snow. The bone plating on my body was black as coal. My left eye was blood red, like that of a normal beowolf, whilst my right eye was icy blue.
Roaring, I stood up on my hind paws, catching the attention of the Grimm. Before any of them could roar, I pounced upon the closest Deathstalker and began to claw it's eyes. It roared in pain and tried to stab me with it's tail, but as it did so, I ran up it's tail and clawed just below the base of the sting, severing it.
The sting imbedded itself in the creatures flesh, just next to it's skull plating. Jumping down, I landed on the sting, impaling it's weak spot. This caused it to collapse. Before it could disintegrate, I managed to take a bite of it's soft flesh, causing my bloodlust to become stronger. Jumping up, I did the same thing to the other Deathstalker. Once both beasts had disintegrated, my attention and gaze turned to the approaching King Tajit.
I pounced, latching onto it's bone plating. Having more sense than the Deathstalkers, it shook it's head to try and throw me off, but I dug my claws into it's eyes to prevent it.
After a few minutes, I had managed to eliminate the serpent.
The other Grimm were frozen in shock and fear. The Nevermore had flown away. A moment or two later, they had retreated.
My fur shrunk back into my skin. The beowolf ears and tail I had became coal blank once more, the tail having a white stripe on top. Looking towards a nearby bush, I saw a small ginger girl squealing happily.
My vision went blurry. My head started reeling.
'Damnit...' I thought to myself. 'My bloodlust used up too much energy'
And with that I fainted, but instead of hitting the ground, a pair of strong arms caught me.
When I finally came around, I awoke in a Beacon dorm room. Looking at the far right corner, I saw the ginger girl from the forest guzzling down a bottle of syrup, whilst a guy dressed in green with black hair that had a pink stripe ,which was probably the girls idea, was trying to stop her. I could faintly hear their conversation.
"Nora, please stop..."
"But Ren-"
"No buts"
She sighed and stopped, the guy smiling.
My gaze wandered to my wounded left leg. A blonde haired boy was sat beside it, wrapping a bandage around the wound. I yelped and flinched a little as he rubbed don't antiseptic cream into it.
Rolling my head to the right, I groaned in pain, seeing a red haired girl with emerald eyes and dressed like Xena (if you get that reference, post it in the comments), was tending to my arm wound.
"I see your awake" she spoke gently, never removing her gaze from my wound.
"Y-Yeah" I stuttered in pain as she rubbed the same cream the blonde used on my leg into my wound,
She nodded.
"My name is Phyrra. The blonde tending to your leg is Jaune. The ginger is Nora. The black haired guy is Ren. You are?"
"Dusk" I spoke.
"Do you know how you ended up in the forest?"
"Last thing I remember before waking up in a locker, is being hit in the head by Cardin Winchester's mace..."
"Makes sense" Jaune spoke.
"How does that make sense?"
"Your a Faunus." He stated plainly. My eyes widened as I realised my cap wasn't on, yet...those four didn't seem to mind.
"You don't care?"
"Why should we?" They spoke in unison....it was kind of creepy....
A sudden thought struck my mind.
"Where am I?"
Nora giggled madly.
'Di immortales, she's more hyper than Yang...' I thought.
"Your in team JNPR's dorm", she spoke with a syrup-coated grin.

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