Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Dudley was sitting at home with his wife and his daughter Amelia. Then something strange happened. Amelia had just had her hair cut and she had been complaining about it all day. She said that she hated it and that she wanted it long again. Saskia and i had to tell her so many times that it was impossible to grow your hair back and she would just have to wait. At the back of my mind i knew that it was possible as my cousin Harry had done it many times and he turned out be a wizard. The next thing i new Amelia's hair had grown back completely. 

No, i thought it is impossible. My daughter can't be a witch. To be honest it wouldn't bother me that much, but i have never told Saskia about Harry and about his strange abilities, so i thought to myself i will go and tell her now.                                                                                                                 "Saskia darling can i talk to you in the kitchen for a moment?" i called to her.                                         " Off course darling what is it?" She struggled to get up as she was six months heavily pregnant with our second child. She came through the kitchen and sat down on the stool.                                           "Well love, you see when i was growing up as a child, my cousin stayed with us because unfortunately his parents were killed. Harry's parents were not ordinary people you see they were...... magic. His mother was a witch and his father was a wizard and they were murdered by a dark wizard. My mother was the only living relative Harry had alive so he came and lived with us."  Saskia went to say something but i stopped her.                                                                                                      "No, let me finish it will be easier to explain."She nodded, so i continued with my story.                     "When Harry came to stay with us i was horrible to him, ii don't even no why but my my mum and dad encouraged me to do it so i continued, when Harry was eleven he got a letter through the post.  I grabbed it off him so that he couldn't read it. I guess i was jealous of him because i didn't get a letter and he did. These letters kept on coming when my mum and dad woldn't let him open the letter. In the end he got to open the letter and he had been accepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and  Wizardrary.  My mum and dad hated anything to do with magic and didn't want him to go but a giant called Hagrid forced them to let him go. When he came back to the summer my parents were terrified to go anywhere near him, he kept coming to stay at our house at the Summer for 6 years after that and i could tell that he hated it, but i know why, i was so horrible to him when he came home my friends and i would go and chase him and beat him up. I only done it because i was jealous and deep down i wished that i was magic, after 7 years we had to move away from our house because the wizard that killed Harry's parents was back. I don't know what happened after that as that was the last time i saw him." I let out a big breath after i had finished. Saskia looked very shocked.                                          "Can i just ask you why you are telling me this?" she asked                                                                 "I think our daughter is a witch."

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