Chapter 1-Life in Midgar

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You pile up the last box in the truck and call to your partner, "Okay, that's the last one," you say, wiping the sweat off your forehead.

"'Kay, come on, now," your partner Jax says from the driver's seat, with a cigar in his mouth. You jump into the truck and Jax speeds down the the alley and turns left to the town square.

"Thank goodness this is the last delivery," you say, slouching down into the seat that wasn't very comfortable. 

"I hear ya! The boss has been working us like crazy now that the city's getting repaired."

It had been almost 6 months since Vincent and his gang took down the Remnants of Sephiroth and that monster, you heard was called Bahamut Sin. You always wondered what it would be like, fighting monsters and enemies to save the world. But... then again.... you were just an average citizen. Although, you knew the gang (Cloud, Tifa, Yuffie, Cid, Barrett, Vincent, Red XIII, and Cait Sith) you felt like you didn't belong in the group, however, that didn't stop you from feeling privileged to be called their friend.

"So, what's new?" Jax says, snapping you out of your daze.

"Hm? Oh, nothing much, life's same as always," you say looking out the window at the human figures coming and going. "What about you?"

"Same old, although I am going out on a date with the wife," he replies back.

"Oh, I see. How is she?"

"She's good, still bugging me to be home more and a little bit more romantic...."

"Hahaha, well that's what you get when you're married I guess."

Before both of you know it, you are at the building awaiting the boxes. Four men come out and unload the truck. Jax opens his window to one of the men and he hands Jax an envelop.

"Thank mate," he says in a thick accent.

"No problem, pal," Jax replies back and gives the man a friendly fist pump. The man turns to you.

"And you too, miss." He nods once, gripping the tip of his cap, lifting it up a little as he does so. You smile half-heartedly and nod back. The man goes back into the building and Jax drives away slowly. You and him chat about random topics for awhile until you reach your destination. 

You look up at the sky and realize it's dark. You then remember that it had already been sunset when you were doing that last delivery. You get out and walk around to see Jax squishing the cigar with his foot on the grey gravel while he breaths out the smoke in the cool night air. He looks up at you.

"Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the boyfriends bite," he chuckles. You roll your eyes as you chuckle along with him. 

"Last time I checked, you know I don't have any," you say.

"Yeah, well. Just teasing you, Sweet pea," he says, pinching your cheek. You and Jax had developed sort of a "father daughter relationship" over the first couple of years you started working at your job, a delivery girl, a "Gofer", was the name nowadays. 

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, have a nice date, and tell Lisa I said hi," you say as you walk away and wave at him.

"Will do! See ya!"


You walk silently down the lighted streets, passed the crowds of people. You were walking towards the Seventh Heaven Bar. The Team's hideout/favourite place to be. The bar was owned by Cloud and Tifa. You would occasionally go there just to talk with Tifa or any of the group....... All but Vincent Valentine. 

You suddenly stop walking. The memories of last night flash in your mind. You were only across the street from the bar now. You took a deep breath and slowly walk across the street towards the bar, terrified.

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