Chapter 12- You Again

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For the next few hours, all you can do is shove your head in your pillow, which is damp with tears. Vincent now knows your feelings for him. And it was definitely not  the way you wanted him to find out. To be honest, you never wanted to tell him in the first place. You knew he wasn't that kind of man. But what could you do now? It was out. And again, Vincent never forgot anything. 

You look to your right and see that it's dusk outside. You sniffle and sit up, then look at the other folder Vincent had given you. You pick it up and look at the cover again, but toss it back on the bed and head to the bathroom. In your condition, you didn't want to read it, since you'd most likely find something that would upset you more. You turn on a bath and wait for the tub to fill. You start to undress as you look in the mirror. You never looked so horrible in your life. Your (e/c) eyes were red and droopy, your (h/c) hair was in tatters, and tear stains still stuck to your face. You didn't really care. You got into the bath and went under the water for awhile. Your body relaxed with the sensation of the steaming hot water and the lull and hum of silence that filled your ears. You open your eyes to see the bright yellow and white light that was over you, mixed in with the water. The light sucks you in for a few seconds as you let your sore mind take a break from the overload of thoughts all day. Then, a black figure catches your eye. You break out of your somewhat of a paradise, and rise up from the water. 

You breathe for a few moments before covering yourself and looking up at the intruder. The blurriness effect from the water slowly clears as you see a familiar face, Tifa. 

"Hey, sorry about disturbing you, I just wanted to see how you were doing. You haven't been downstairs in awhile and I just wanted to check and see if you were okay," she says.

"Oh, I see... Yeah, I'm fine," you lie. You let your arms fall to your sides and slump back into the bath and sigh. You were somewhat comfortable now, Tifa being somewhat of a sister to you now, and also the fact you both have the same anatomy. 

"Dinner's ready," she says cheerfully. You turn your head towards her to see she has a small smile on her face and her arms behind her back. 

"Okay, I'll come down when I'm done," you say. Tifa nods and exits the bathroom. You sigh-grunt. So much for relaxing. Washing yourself, especially your face, up hurriedly, unplug the tub, put a towel around yourself, and leave the bathroom. To your slight surprise, Tifa is sitting on your bed, reading the folder. She looks up at you and immediately closes the folder.

"Sorry again, I didn't mean to-," she states, but you cut her off. 

"No, no, it's fine. I don't care if you read it," you reassure her. You walk past the bed to the dresser and grab the first pair of pajamas you can spot. "Okay, I'll be right down, just let me get changed first," you say with your back to her.

"Okay," she says.

"Oh, by the way, before you leave, what's for su-" you say, turning around to face her when suddenly, you feel something metal hit you hard on the head. You fall down and cup the side of your face in pain. "What the hell, Tifa!?" you curse as you look up at her. Suddenly, The figure that looked like your most trusted friend, warped into the figure of Vincent. Your eyes widen. "You again...."

The figure then warped into someone else and the next sight broke your heart. They had the all-to-familiar faded brown hair, grey eyes, and wrinkles that could be seen twelve feet away. 


The last thing you saw was Jax's form swing the metal rod at you before you felt a hard impact on your head before blacking out.

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