Chapter 13- Thoughts

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Your eyes slowly open and squint to see a blinding white light looming over you. The room looks like some kind of hospital or a research facility. No doubt a facility. You try to move but can't. Your head aches so back, you feel like a train hit it. Then you remember, Jax. The memory brought tears to your eyes. Your friend, why would he do this? After all you've have done together....You shake off the thought and try to free yourself again. You lift your sore head to see a straitjacket over your body and a gag in your mouth. You look around again. The room's nothing more than a small white room with a single door, no windows, and a metal table to your left with medical supplies on it.

'Where am I? Am I at Shinra's?'

Suddenly, the door buzzes and in comes a few people with lab coats and another few with black suits. Despite the same suits, they didn't look like Turks. And then again, Reno and Rude said that Rufus sold the science department to someone else. 

"Hello, miss (l/n)," the scientist in the middle says. He looks like your average scientist; glasses, mustache, and hair balding at the top. "I know this is unexpected and sudden, but as you probably know already, you're a very special person. I know it's hard knowing you're not one of us, but we're here to help you understand who and what  you are."

It disgusted you hearing how polite and empathetic his voice sounded. You knew he didn't have a single ounce of concern for you, and even if you were human, they wouldn't act any differently. One of the female scientists came to the table and put on a white mask and gloves, while the others took out their clipboards and started to write who knows what down. You look at the woman again. She takes out the biggest needle you've ever seen and puts some yellow-looking liquids in it. You grunt and squirm the hardest you can, but of course, it's no use.

"Calm down. Being excited and moving is only going to make it worse," the woman says in a cold voice. You let out the loudest grunt you could, trying to be just as cruel sounding as she was. She looks at you with an irritated frown and without warning, jams the sharp object in your ribcage. The pain was so bad, it was unexplainable. You feel the tears streaming down your face already. You look at the scientists, who were still writing their little notes down, the men in he suits looked like they were statues, completely still. You flop your head back in pain as the woman got another syringe and started to withdrawing out blood from your arm. You close your eyes and try to take your thoughts to another place. A sunset,  flying over a forest..... 


You start to think of only him. His eyes, his hair, his bandana, the dark arua he would always have, his lips. You imagined kissing those pale lips that you barely ever saw; what would they feel like, what would they taste like, how would it make you feel. You knew this was wrong to think about him like this, but in your situation, you didn't care, it was worth it and besides, you were pretty sure that Reno thought about you this way. Vincent Valentine scared you to your very core, but now, he was all you want wanted at this moment. You didn't care if he hated you now knowing your love towards him, you knew it was almost impossible for him to love you back, but it didn't matter right now. You wanted him to save you, even if it was the last thing you saw before your life ended, you wanted to be in his arms, rescued and safe. 

'Vincent, help me....'

With that last thought, you black out again while seeing his face in your mind.

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