Chapter 3-Secrets Out

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You quickly turn around and try to take a few deep breaths to calm down. You curse yourself for being so obvious. You look at Tifa who is looking up at Vincent, thank goodness.

"Hi, Vincent, it's a surprise to see you here," Tifa says smiling, slight shock evident on her face.

"Sure is," Reno butts in, "I can tell you didn't come here to hang with us?"

"I only had some business I have to attend to," he says indifferently with the same hoarse, low voice. The sound of his voice makes you shiver and, because Reno still has his elbow on your shoulder, was able to feel it. He turns to you.

"Hey (y/n), you okay? Are you cold?" Reno asks, concern is heard from his voice.

"I-I'm fine...., the door let some cool air in", you say trying your best to sound normal. He believes you and nods. 

You hear Vincent's boots take loud, heavy steps, towards your direction. And as soon as you realize it, he's right beside you, only about one foot apart. You do your best to try not to shake and sweat, since Reno would feel it. You breathe through your nose and slowly turn your head to the man in the red cloak. He's grabbing something from inside his jacket as his eyes fling to yours. Your whole body freezes and your mind becomes blank. You quickly snap back into normal mode and give him a quick smile.

"Hey, Vincent," you say with all your courage.

"Hello," is all he replies. He takes whatever he's searching for and gives it to Tifa, it looks like a small box of some kind and a tiny piece of paper.

"Give that to Cloud in the morning." As soon as those words leave his mouth, he turns and walks out of the bar. But before he closes the door, he looks back at you. You freeze again.

"Goodnight, everyone." He then leaves and vanishes. You turn back, drink the rest of the juice, and take a deep breath. You then realize everyone is staring at you.

"What?" You say. Everyone looks at each other then back at you.

"Someone's in love~" Reno and Tifa sing in unison. You feel heat rush on your face. 

"What makes you think that?" You ask sheepishly.

"It's obvious. You stop moving and you look like you see a ghost every time you see him," Tifa says. You sigh in annoyance and brush Reno's arm off your shoulder.

"I'm going home," you say and jump off the chair.

"Look, it's not that bad. Although there's a slim chance of him liking you back," Reno says. Rude then slaps his partner upside the head and Reno whines in pain. TIfa shakes her head then turns to you.

"Don't feel so bad, we won't tell him. At least I won't," she says glaring playfully at the Turks, mostly Reno. Everyone who knows Rude knows he is the best at keeping secrets. That's, after all, part of his job. Reno raises his hands in defence.

"I won't, I promise," Reno declares confidently. You let out a breath and walk out saying a thank you to the three of them.

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