Chapter 3

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*Kiana POV*

I woke up to a sleeping Jarvis still on FaceTime. He looked so peaceful, I almost didn't want to wake him. But I knew for a fact his team and the Giants practiced at the same time.

It was 7:50 and practice started at 8:30.

"Jarvis, wake up."

"Mhm" he muttered.

"Jarvis Charles, wake up" I raised my voice.

After two more tries his eyes fluttered open and he let out a yawn.

"Morning sis, slept well ?" Jarvis asked.

I nodded although I actually had been awake since 1 this morning. What Jarvis and I talked about yesterday really got me thinking.

I couldn't really deny the fact that I missed Odell, but just because I missed him doesn't mean I wanted him back. It took me two years to fix what he had broken and I'd be damned if I let him hurt me again.

So for now, I'll do what he asked of me. Keep our relationship strictly work related, for our best interests. I was gonna roll with the punches, try new things.

Maybe even a new relationship, I wasn't gonna let the past effect my future.

"You're lying. I can tell, how long have you been up ?" he asked now getting dressed.

I followed suit and carried my phone to the bathroom to finish my hygenine.

"One" I mumbled.

"Are you serious ? We went to sleep at 11 though."

"Yeah" I pulled my practice clothes on as he did his hygiene.

"You alright ?"

"Yeah, I'm fine J."

At the same time we walked downstairs and grabbed some food to go. When I got in my can I put my phone in a stand on the windshield.

We had both gotten one for situations like this, which had happened quite often.

"So, you ready for this ?" he said.

I went off the exit to MetLife Arena.

"Yeah, I'm ready. And I'm going to try-"

"To talk to him" he interupted.

I cut him a glare and continued to speak.

"Sorry, continue"

"Thanks asshole, I was going to say avoid him." I said pulling into the staff parking lot and getting out.

From the other end I heard him sigh, I guess that wasn't what he wanted to hear.

"Avoid him ? Aint that the opposite of what we talked about yesterday ?"

Step by step I eventually made my way to the clear lockeroom door. Behind it was the whole team, just about naked.

And my office was right through there.

"J, I'm nervous." I flipped the camera and showed him the room.

"You'll be fine. I'll "walk" with you." he used air quotes.

I took a deep breath in and walked in, making sure to keep my eyes on Jarvis. Who was laughing at my obvious embarrassment.

I quickly looked up and saw my office, I was halfway there.

"Hey Kiana." Victor called walking towards me.

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