Barrels.. Everywhere.

15 1 2

"Why do you have to get up so early?" Felix groaned, rolling onto his side and curling into the covers tightly. I smiled, applying mascara to my top lashes then grabbing a pair of my favorite lashes from House of Lashes in Starlet. My hands delicately tugged them off the plastic and grabbed Duo lash glue in Black then glided a light coat over the thin band that held the lashes together on the right side.

"I have to run errands and besides, it's date night. I'm making dinner." I added, my fingertips gripping the lashes tightly as they dried while bending the band carefully, then starting from my outer corner lashes to apply them down to the inner corner of my eyes. 

"Oh really? You don't wanna go out?" Felix threw off the covers and sat upright, rubbing his eyes awake as I did the same process with the left lash. 

"I'm feeling an us night, if that's okay?" I asked timidly, Felix nodded his head and yawned loudly. "I'm taking that as a yes."

"Of course, besides I have to start making new videos for today anyway." Felix stood up, walking to me. I felt his lips kiss my cheek then he pulled me in for a hug. "See you tonight, be safe."

"Promise." I added, grabbing his hand as he walked off and it slipped from my grip slowly. The stressful part of dating a huge Youtuber was not having much time to be with them when they're constantly making new videos.. I just hope his fans really appreciate that. My makeup seemed decent enough, I shut off the portable mirror and stacked it back inside my traveling bag. Lately, I've been staying over at Felix's but that doesn't mean I don't miss my cat. I left everything there and headed out to pay bills and such, check on my cat, and grab myself a Starbucks for the station tonight. It was a typical day for me but I felt something was very off when I arrived later that night to the radio station. It was about 6, I know, a completely late dinner but what's better, late dinner or no dinner? Yeah, that's what I thought to. I was taken aback at the front window doors were stitched together on a half job, funny, it wasn't there at all. Everything was quiet as I stepped into the booth, throwing my purse off my shoulders and tossing it to the side while gripping my Black iced tea. My intern had a worried look on her face as she hurried to me, tugging at my arm. "What? Why are you guys acting strange? Does it have anything to do with the broken windows?"

"You're gonna need to see this.." My intern whispered, walking to the back room where we kept our security cameras and some other monitors with spare parts. I felt my anxiety sky rocket as I followed behind her. Security was watching the monitors with intent, I was greeted quickly by a police officer. 

"Hello, Crista, I'm officer Rick, do you know anything about this?" He held up a huge giant rock with a note scribbled across it, I shook my head and read the note. 'Crista, you're dead.' I felt the rock drop out of my hands as I gasped, "Do you know anyone who might make death threats like this?"

"No, no, I don't.. Oh my god." I began panicking, my hands shook as I looked to the rock. "Do you know who did this? The security cameras? Did they show?" 

"I'm afraid not." Our security guy, Ben, said, pointing to last night's camera footage and it was a shattered screen. I sighed, "I think you should just go home until we get everything figured out. It might be safer."

"Yeah, I got tonight's show." My intern smiled weakly, "Just get home to your boyfriend."

"Yeah.." I said quietly, the officer had a frown on his face.

"You're dating Felix Kjellberg, the YouTuber?" He asked, I nodded my head fast. "Do people know?"

"I said I met him on the radio but I didn't think anyone cared." 

"It could be the work of a fan. Is this your first death threat since you've been with him?" The officer asked. 

"It is." I admitted, surprised. Lately, my followers on all social media sky rocketed up faster when I announced my relationship to Felix everyone but I never expected this kind of draw back. "I think I'm just gonna go home.. I can't be here right now." 

"Do you need an escort?" I shook my head and grabbed my bag, hurrying out of the studio and unlocking my car fast. My body shivered as I sat there, glancing between each mirror with the pure intensity of being afraid to see someone. The parking lot felt like a maze, like it was waiting to trap me. The car sat still, I grabbed the key and pressed it hard into the ignition before turning it. It purred as it came to life and I gripped the steering wheel before leaning my head forward onto it. Sighing, I groaned. There was a knock at my window and I let out a scream. It was my intern. Holy fuck. I rolled my window down.

"You forgot your phone." My intern handed me my iPhone, I looked at her confused and held it firmly in my hands. "Have a nice night, tell Felix I'm a big fan! Bye." I frowned as I looked to my charging cord, it was unplugged. Funny, I left my phone in the car to charge so how did I lose it? No. Fucking. Way. I put the car in gear and drove out of their fast, hurrying to my house. Quickly with frantic hands, I dialed Felix's number but it wouldn't go through. I sighed, going online to his Facebook but the page wouldn't show up. Panicking, I went to his instagram and it wouldn't show anything either. The last text he sent me was one hour ago that read "Why?" I tried responding back but it wouldn't send either. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I grabbed my car keys and decided it'd be best to stay over at his tonight even though I don't know why nothing of his is showing up. Everything was happening so fast, I felt like I was in a horror movie but hopefully I don't get killed. My cat was already fed and I gave him fresh water the first time I came to my house so I just needed to be with my boyfriend fast. I sat hard into the seat and pushed the key into the slot and turned it, it rattled before giving out. Of all my luck, my car decided to fuck up now? Great. 

Author's Note

This isn't my best but I feel honestly excited for this part. I won't be updating this story for another long while because I'm really dedicating my time to my Lukentine fanfic which you should totally check out if you love The Walking Dead or zombies in general! I'll try to get back to this beaut but until then, No Matter What is just as beautiful! 

Sorry for the wait and thank you to the fans asking me to update! 

xoxo love you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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