The YouTube guy named Felix

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(Pewdiepie POV)

Edgar's check-up went well but after the incident, I took him home then stopped at GameStop.

'Hey Pewdiepie!' A girl's voice squealed behind me. I turned around from the computer games to find a girl with black short hair and colorful hair extensions.

'How's it going, bro?' I smiled and was instantly shoved into a hug. Her grasp was pretty tight around me which caused me to grunt for air. 'I sorta need to breathe.'

'Oh sorry Pewds.' The girl released me from her grip and smiled intentionally at me. She looked around 16 or 17 but I wasn't too sure. 'Can I get a picture?'

'Why of course, bro.' I replied as she pulled out a black iPhone and started clicking through to set the front camera. We both stood side-by-side and put on our great smiles while the camera focused on our faces. *click*

'Thank you Pewdiepie! I just love your videos. By the way, my name is Tisha.' One of my many bro's named Tisha said happily. A warm feeling of feeling appreciated made me grin widely, 'You're so funny and just crazy awesome.'

'Awe thank you, bro!' I chuckled and held out my fist. 'Brofist?'

'Hell yah.' Tisha squealed and we pounded fists 'This is the greatest moment of my life.'

'Aw, I'm not that famous, bro.' I laughed awkwardly.

'You're way perfect, Pewds.' Tisha grinned. 'I know this is weird and awkward but I love you Pewds.'

'I love you too, bro.' I smiled. 'Thanks for subscribing to my channel.'

'Anything for my hero.' Tisha exclaimed while I glanced around GameStop wondering if there was anymore of my fans. Instead, I caught eyes with the chick who saved Edgar from running across the border today.

'Hey bro, I gotta go.' I said never losing eye-contact with Edgar's saviour.

'Aw bye Pewds.' Tisha hugged me once again although the girl from earlier smiled and walked out of GameStop. I walked past Tisha and followed her.


(Unknown girl's POV)

The guy from earlier who's dog I saved was randomly wondering in GameStop when I made eye-contact with him. I rushed out immediately not grabbing the copy of "South Park: Stick of Truth" which kinda disappointed me.

'Hey!' A male's voice shouted from behind me. I stopped in my tracks, blushing. Of course, I knew who it was. I spun myself around to face him.

'Hi.' I grinned. 'You're the guy who lost his dog at the vet, right?'

'Edgar.' He smiled and ran his fingers through his blondish-brownish shoulder length hair.

'So your name is Edgar?' I giggled and covered my smile with my hand. He chuckled and put his hands in his pockets.

'No, no, that's my dog's name.' He looked away still grinning. 'My name is Pewd- wait- Felix. Just Felix.'

'Just Felix.' I was blushing so hard right now, I'm sure I looked like a tomato. 'I'm Crista by the way.'

'Felix. Crista.' Felix held out his hand. I nodded my head and took his hand in mine. We shook hands then Felix stopped and looked up at me.

'You're still holding my hand.' I blushed and stared down at our hands. Felix released my hand and used it to brush his hair back.

'Oh I-I'm sorry.' He blushed and looked down at the ground. 'Wanna like go get some coffee?'

'I like coffee.' I blurted out then winced at how stupid that sounded. Felix laughed and put his hands back in his pockets.

'Coffee can be good.' Felix looked down at the ground.

'I like caffine.' I stood up on my heels and back down, smiling. 'It energizes me so I can stay awake at night.'

'I totally get it.' Felix looked back at me. 'I upload videos on YouTube which involves late nights but only sometimes.'

'YouTube?' My eyes opened wide in excitment. I smiled hugely. 'I love YouTube so much! Favorite YouTuber has to be Smosh.'

'Smosh? Really?' Felix ran his hand through his hair again. 'Anthony is one of my great friends.'

'Wait- you're friends with Anthony?' I grinned hugely. Good, God, was this man my new favorite person? He was friends with the Anthony? 'I think you're my new favorite person, as of now. But hey wait, you look familiar? You've been in their videos, right?'

'Wait- you don't know who I am?' Felix smiled.

'Anthony's friend?' I giggled awkwardly, oh god now I'm sure he's gonna think I'm an idiot. I spend countless hours on YouTube how can I not know this Felix guy?!

'Alright wait.. wait, let me start off.' Felix turned around. Oh god, he was so adorable. I covered my smile with my hand again and waited for something Felix was bound to show me.

He twirled around with his hands out in an 'here I am' gesture and said 'How's it going, bro's. My name is Pewdiepie.' I burst out in awkward laughter.

'I'm sorry, Felix.' I smiled nervously. 'I still don't know who you are.' Great, I'm sure I ruined my chance with him.

'That's okay.' Felix's smile stayed the same. 'But I'd still like to take you to coffee. Like now.'

'Oh sure.' I grinned and chuckled. 'I'd like that.'

'I'd like that too.' Felix smiled and stuck his arm out, you know like the prince does when he's walking with Cinderella for his wedding. 'If it's okay with you.'

'It's okay.' I intwined my arm into his. 'Onward YouTube guy I don't know about but his first name is Felix.'

'Ah of course.' Felix laughed while I giggled next to him. 'The YouTube guy named Felix.'

A/N what do you guys think?

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